Sweet now I’m a bully. If your gonna play fact checker then let’s play fair. I said watch the vid. I left it to the reader to go look and decide for themselves. I’m not afraid to dox myself why should anyone be afraid to be who they are? Why hide? I have nothing to fear. Admins need to admin...
There is zero point to any of thi
Why hide? What’s the fear of revealing who you are? You think your invisible because of a screen name? I told you to go look it up. The vid is on YouTube. You also said you would not accept opinion pieces on gates. So your setting the standards of how you will...
What are your exact qualifications? What is your education level. Will you share your actual first and last name here for all to see. Or do you hide behind your screen name?
I don’t hide behind my screen name. My name is Erick Fromm. I live In hayden Idaho 48 west Hans way. 83835. Now post...
You won’t accept my proof because I can only find opinions. And you do not accept those opinions. You said I couldn’t post opinions here. Should I post them on my profile page? Bill Gates is not a good guy ask his x wife...
It’s not a human right to have an opinion. That is an opinion. You realize this. And so now whose opinions will we believe? The experts cannot agree. And the so called facts end up changing. As opinions change. So you want a group of experts in their field to decide. But who decided who the...
Please list the sources you will accept as factual sources. If I find evidence who will believe it? Does the media tell the truth about people? Do they have bias issues? Does bill gates pay for articles to be published about him that makes him appear to be good. Where does one find factual...
Look into Bill gates. He wants to reduce the population through vaccines. It’s not hard to find the interview of him saying that. Look into his vaccine work in Africa. Bill is not a good guy.
I’ve seen this bias here. Where if you like trump. Your shite. He was only a president for 4 years. And now every trump voter is supposed to die now that Biden won. I would appreciate it if all the people who hate trump lovers would make sure to let everybody know their bias. So that others can...
It’s okay. I never expected anything. I was just trying to make a psychological connection with a person who I thought needed my help. But really in the end I just made myself look like an angry asshole. Because the people around were not there to witness the employees actions. They only saw a...
Nope never heard from her again. Didn’t think I would. It seems to me that public opinion was that I should have not said anything at all. And just walked on by.
They don’t need the draft. It’s virtue signaling. They already have robots that will do the fighting. Plus all the different bio weapons they have created. Humans are fragile. They break easy plus they think for themselves. Robots are where it’s at. They never question orders. They do what they...