La Sagna
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  • It so nice to see you here!!! How are you? Wishing you good things.
    I think i went by asarya last time we were both here
    • Like
    Reactions: flower and Ginny
    La Sagna
    La Sagna
    Hi! I am well. My life is very different than when I was here last but all is good... considering the state of the world right now. I hope that you are well :).
    • Like
    Reactions: Quiet
    Miss you!
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    Reactions: La Sagna
    La Sagna
    La Sagna
    Miss you too! :)
    Life has been really busy so I haven't found time to read any of the threads on here for a while. I pop in to check on stuff once in a while but I don't have time for much more than maybe a quick post in the imagine exercises, but they don't seem to be as popular these days.
    La Sagna
    La Sagna
    Hope all is well with you. Are you still trying to keep the uninformed informed? The political stuff going on is so ridiculous these days! I'm still hoping it's all a practical joke!
    Thanks for the like, La Sagna. How have you been?
    La Sagna
    La Sagna
    Hi Just me! I am well, although I have been very busy. I now have 2 grandsons, which made Christmas more fun. I'm also working on my masters to become a psychotherapist and have been training to run bereavement support groups. I'm working hard but learning lots and feeling like I will be able to help lots of people in the near future. How have you been? I wish for you a healthy and happy 2018.
    I've been wondering how you're doing
    La Sagna
    La Sagna
    I am well but very busy. I also was thrown off a bit by the changes on the site...and sometimes by some of the posters. I'm glad to see that you are still being diplomatic with people who are anything but diplomatic. Your posts are spot on. You usually say what I think but can't be bothered to say anymore. I hope that you are well. Your posts show that you're mind is still in fine form :) - Big Hug!
    La Sagna
    La Sagna
    Just saw a typo as soon as I posted and I don't think I can correct it. Sorry about that. I had written too much and had to edit and didn't proof read properly. How INFJ is this post? haha
    Thanks for the warm words!! After that little exchange I decided to put posters that bother me on ignore and just leave them there. That currently includes 4 regular posters, which seems like a lot, but I remembered that I came here to engage with people of like mind.
    I'm glad you are busy, (as long as it is the good type of busy). I hope you and your family are well. I'm glad you're still an INFJ. xoxox <3
    I don't remember disagreeing with you, I must have accidentally clicked the wrong thing, sorry xoxox
    You can't say that he is censoring you, because he doesn't care for your pressuring him not to use words like "mangina."
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