Recent content by Ambrosia Lemon

  1. Ambrosia Lemon

    This is not a test!

    oak tree
  2. Ambrosia Lemon

    Thoughts on child beauty pageants?

    I find this so wrong, it hurts my heart to see little girls put up on display like that. I just can't understand why a parent would do that to their child. And yes as a mother of little girls I know that they are interested in make up and what not at a certain age but it should be in play, not...
  3. Ambrosia Lemon

    Do you wish you had a twin?

    I used to read the Sweet Valley series when I was younger and wish to be a twin, but instead of being one, I just gave birth to identical twin girls who will be three this March.
  4. Ambrosia Lemon

    Your depth of feeling... More of a blessing or a curse?

    I would say it is more of a blessing that curse. It helps me understand the world around me and myself. I really don't know how I would fuction without feelings or trying to brush them aside. But hey that is how my brain works.
  5. Ambrosia Lemon

    You self-righteous little...

    Oh that's scary. Really scary. That thought just gave me chills.
  6. Ambrosia Lemon


    Trust is the issue for me as well. I feel only a few 'get' me, and they will love me anyways. Other people I don't see the point in them getting to know me deeply because I know they will just judge me. So if that is mysterious, then that is what I am.:m027:
  7. Ambrosia Lemon


    I love that show! It rocks. Wait....does that makes me a sci-fi geek?:m129:
  8. Ambrosia Lemon

    Senses, cause you have to use them

    Hearing is my best, then it would have to be touch.
  9. Ambrosia Lemon

    Which Tarot Card Are You?

    You Scored as The High Priestess Divinatory Meaning: Be guided by your intuition. Reverse Meaning: Superstitious. Deluded. You feel energy around you…everywhere. You are aware of things that others are not. You listen more to your inner voice or feelings than most people. Concentrate your...
  10. Ambrosia Lemon

    How fast are you???

  11. Ambrosia Lemon

    Pay It Forward

    Oh how I would love to say I do this. But sadly I do not. Unless you count listening to people with they need to vent, maybe that makes them listen to people and so forth. Who knows?:m075:
  12. Ambrosia Lemon

    INFJ with needs met vs. needs unmet

    I will get snappy,defensive,and my temper will act out. Then because I allowed my temper to flare, I will want to be by myself for a while, and not want to speak for a while. And this cycle will continue unless I take the time to collect myself and realize I was most likely over-reacting. So...
  13. Ambrosia Lemon

    Songs that are your life

    xJnYyRZjB_w Cake-No Phone. Sjf0igrY9zs Laura Veirs-Don't Lose Yourself NJMDzEHbIQ4 I am Jen-Broken in all the Right Places.