I'm a 22 year old INFJ who has only recently accepted my introverted tendencies. I tried to "fix" myself for a long time, thinking that there was something wrong with me that actually needed fixing. My childhood friends are still a large part of my life, but being around them makes me feel trapped and alone sometimes, as they are all extroverts. I feel the same way at work a lot, where I work around a lot of people and deal with customers. I have friends that I can relate to, but the mere existence of this site and others like it makes me feel less alone in the world...
Psychology - What I will be studying in college.
Anime - The ones that give me a good cry.
Drawing - A recent one, but I have been enjoying the challenge.
Reading - I'm not sure who I would be without my books.
Video Games - This is generally how I relax.
Photography - Capturing a calming moment in nature is awesome.
Exercising - If I don't, my brain don't work right.
Booze - I like a good wine.
Writing - I have a blog where I put thoughts to paper.
- Birthday
Aug 23, 1990
(Age: 34)
- Biography
- It wasn't until I was maybe 12, when someone bluntly told me that I didn't talk much, that I started to worry about my introverted self. That comment was the driving force to me talking therapy later in high school, pushing myself to act more extroverted through school, and caused me to have friends I didn't actually enjoy being around. I remember one point when I first started drinking, I actually apologized to my friends for only being fun when I was drunk. Feeling guilty for not being as energized as other people was a regular occurrence. It wasn't until I took the Myers-Biggs Personality test that I found that others were actually like me. It wasn't to long ago that I took said test, but I have slowly been able to view myself in a more positive light because of it, and I am no longer trying to be someone else. I'm being me. If I feel like not saying a word when with a group of friends, so be it.
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- Water (only because I'm a smart ass)
Self Improvement
- Enneagram
- Not Sure