Recent content by Annaria

  1. Annaria

    I have seen a lot of debates between Atheists and Christians, yet can I call myself either?

    In a way I can understand why, because I live in the West (or my country is sandwiched between the East and West) and Christianity has been a very visible form of believing in a supreme being. Yet the traces of Paganism haven't been lost; they can be seen during Easter, Midsummer and Christmas...
  2. Annaria

    [INFJ] Welcome to the 4w5 self doubt episode...

    ...123: "Am I INFJ or some weird mix of INFP and INTJ?" Some kind of frankenpersonality anyway...
  3. Annaria

    If aliens landed in front of you . . .

    I would say "give me at least one year to consider this". I can't just abandon those who rely on me here on a whim.