Recent content by Anomalous

  1. A

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    The bigger the contrast between your authentic mood and the false act, the more drained you're going to feel. There's a reason acting is a paid career. To me it feels like being pulled from my mind and then thrown into an unrelated animated discussion halfway through. It's hard to...
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    Last film you watched, Part 2

    Alien: Romulus felt like Alien: The theme park ride, complete with spot the reference exercises and goofy animatronic heads screaming in your face. It had good moments but overall it was clearly designed to be a crowd pleaser and lacked a sense of thoughtful artistic vision. As far as theme...
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    what would you do if you lost everything overnight?

    If it's a post-apocalyptic scenario, then I call leader. I would be running this shithole from now on.
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    Trump will win again

    It's an interesting implication that there are people who are still positioned on the fence in such a way that seeing one candidate get shot at is what would compel them to vote in that direction. It really tells you something about how politics in general works. Dramatise uncertainty and...
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    Jordan Peterson

    After that 'up yours' video, I think he seems like someone who has had or is having some kind of breakdown. I also think he is very clearly a type one, not a five.
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    It does sound like something someone might say to invalidate the struggles of a perspective they don't understand, but I also think that this is a common misuse of the term. I imagine overthinking as something like anxiety or a lack of self discipline as it applies to your own thoughts. A...
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    Things about your type that don't fit you.

    I don't like the stereotype in general of introverted types as sitting on a window sill with a book, netflix, a cat, headphones and a mug of cocoa, watching the raindrops slide down the window. INFJs in particular are portrayed as gentle peacekeepers who don't mind endlessly supporting others...
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    Does anyone else feel like Introverts are slowly gaining an upper hand these days?

    I think introversion is glorified precisely because it is not understood, which enables some to make a spectacle of their oppression for validation, instead of enacting real change.
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    Thoughts on the 'gamification' of life

    It seems overly reductive. Unlike reality, you can cheat at a game, which implies you can step outside of it in some way. You can deduce what kind of game you are playing and ideally choose whether or not to partake or break the rules. Essentially, a game is an abstraction of reality and...
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    Thoughts on the 'gamification' of life

    There's a video here. You can watch the video. You can ignore it and share whatever thoughts you have anyway, or you can watch most of it and skim through a few parts, like I did. Or you can ignore the thread altogether. Whilst I think there are both potential positives and negatives to...
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    Misinformation Susceptibility test

    So, yes.
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    Misinformation Susceptibility test

    Is the real test to see whether or not we identify the test itself as misinformation? Scoring high could ironically indicate gullibility.
  13. A

    Do you think that psychology is influencing the populous, or vice-versa?

    It's a good question. I've often doubted the possibility for psychology, or any subject for that matter, to be completely objective and impartial in its perspective. Any person who evaluates another through the lens of psychology is themselves biased by their own psychology. In which case a...
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    Has the field of psychology failed men?

    The basic issue seems to be that psychology analyzes men solely for the sake of controlling or reprimanding their behaviour in some way, rather than to understand them or engage with them at a more compassionate human level. The proposition of a deeper insecurity or pain driving mens behaviour...
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    Introversion is problematic

    I can see the point here, but I'd say the problem is applicable to many labels, not just introversion. I don't think it is helpful to brand people with a social disability because they don't conform to the culture. You could similarly say that identifying as an extrovert is problematic because...