Recent content by AureaMediocritas

  1. AureaMediocritas

    I am going to assume that the loneliness is starting to wear on me.

    I am going to assume that the loneliness is starting to wear on me.
  2. AureaMediocritas

    I had a dream about someone here, which is strange since I've never met them. I don't know what...

    I had a dream about someone here, which is strange since I've never met them. I don't know what my brain is doing, but I liked it.
  3. AureaMediocritas

    Asinine Social Conventions

    This is my first post like this, so please bear with me if I do it incorrectly. I'm a relatively quick learner, with a few adjustments for unfamiliarity. However, if I do it correctly, the credit is due to someone named just me. Thank you, kind stranger. Now to the point of this post. I...
  4. AureaMediocritas

    Thank you for the guide, just me. I will try this. :)

    Thank you for the guide, just me. I will try this. :)
  5. AureaMediocritas

    What topic are you least qualified to give advice about, and what is your advice on it?

    Somehow, I've mastered the diplomatic way of pissing people off because even when they want to shoot darts, they smile and mumble under their breath as they do exactly what is expected. I find that the more disclosure and accountability you provide, the more it angers those who prefer...
  6. AureaMediocritas

    Hi John K, thank you for the most sincere welcome. :)

    Hi John K, thank you for the most sincere welcome. :)
  7. AureaMediocritas

    What topic are you least qualified to give advice about, and what is your advice on it?

    I've thought of another one: business sense (though I'm learning due to compulsory circumstances outside of my control). Advice: After every substantial oral conversation with employees or clients, do yourself a favor and summarize what was said in an email and CC everyone involved. It adds a...
  8. AureaMediocritas

    Age gaps in relationships

    I just realized that my post could be seen to be promoting child and adult relationships, but hopefully no one would make that assumption, and would defer to the fact that I was working from the preassigned stipulation of the OP. One can never be too certain, so I thought I should clarify.
  9. AureaMediocritas

    Age gaps in relationships

    Age past a certain number becomes arbitrary, in my opinion. I would postulate after 25, since that is the age of prime development in most people, a shift occurs where far more integral things like maturity, beliefs about the world, values, and goals take precedence over age. Age is rarely a...
  10. AureaMediocritas

    If you decide to plant it, you will grow to love the passiflora's unique blooms. If so, I hope...

    If you decide to plant it, you will grow to love the passiflora's unique blooms. If so, I hope to hear how it goes for you. :)
  11. AureaMediocritas

    Yes, the moonflower is captivating. I especially like the Alba variety. There is something...

    Yes, the moonflower is captivating. I especially like the Alba variety. There is something mesmerizing about a flower so translucent, as if made from tissue paper, thriving in the dark of night. It comes to mind, Cestrum Nocturnum used to grow along my grandmother's fence. When we'd go for...
  12. AureaMediocritas

    I keep circling back to write you a response, only to delete it some moments later. You have me...

    I keep circling back to write you a response, only to delete it some moments later. You have me stumped. I guess I could postulate that suffering is linked to everything; for even in the throes of ecstasy one suffers its inevitable end. Suffering, at least for me, is now as routine as making a...
  13. AureaMediocritas

    What topic are you least qualified to give advice about, and what is your advice on it?

    Least qualified to give financial advice. My advice: Never keep all of your eggs in one basket, lest the basket tumble along with all of your eggs. Best to safe-keep a few in various locations for the security of the occasional breakfast.
  14. AureaMediocritas

    Five stages of grief

    You are most welcome. Thank you for receiving it. :)
  15. AureaMediocritas

    Not sure how you found them, but those were supposed to be encrypted images. My apologies to...

    Not sure how you found them, but those were supposed to be encrypted images. My apologies to your longterm memory bank. Excuse me for laughing at my own jokes. :D