I am currently going through the desire for a career change. The field I am in right now is largely unrewarding, although financially it has given my family and I much stability and enjoyment. I view world affairs with concern and hope to move into this field.
I recently took the MBTI and was interested to see the result INFJ, which describes me and my character traits to the letter.
Middle Eastern affairs, astronomy, photography, aviation.
- Biography
- Born in the UK, spent most of my life in Australia and now reside in the US.
BA in Middle Eastern Studies, Graduate Certificate in Military Studies and currently studying for a Masters in International Security.
Currently work in the software industry.
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- My wife and children
My empathy
My fascination with the world around me
My book collection
My camera gear
My telescopes
- Occupation
- You tell me? Save the world?