Recent content by Awesome

  1. Awesome

    Last film you watched, Part 2

    I thought Mad Max was great. The story was very well told for having minimal dialogue. It was refreshing to watch a movie that didn't treat you like an idiot and explain everything that was going on, as if we are too dumb to figure it out. Visually it was beautiful, that scene when they use dirt...
  2. Awesome

    Study Skills, Tips and Techniques

    I read an article that stated your most effective periods of learning are done in 45-60 minute intervals followed by a short break. I've adopted this routine and noticed that it does actually help. My study sessions are one hour long followed by 10 minute breaks. These short breaks are when you...
  3. Awesome

    To go through medical school?

    It's a very demanding field for sure, if you have the drive for it there is nothing to stop you. Your description of doctors you've had experience with intrigues me. I distinctly remember a list that noted the most popular professions among (non empathetic) psychopaths and the medical field was...
  4. Awesome

    Heavily enjoying the Max Richter album you posted in TC last night. I thought you might like...

    Heavily enjoying the Max Richter album you posted in TC last night. I thought you might like this album called Pale Blue Dot, a tribute to Carl Sagan.
  5. Awesome

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    One of my friends is MtF transgender who went through SRS late last year and she says it couldn't make her happier. She feels much more in tune with herself because of it. She doesn't make a big thing out of it, and what insecurities she has are driven by her personality, not her gender. I don't...
  6. Awesome

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    It's a character named Kratos. A vengeful pseudo God bent on conquering the Greek gods and also fucks women and rips apart his enemies with his bare hands.
  7. Awesome

    Pop music too loud, sounds the same

    You absolutely can, I do all the time. I used to go to school with a major in performance and education, I play jazz and fingerstyle guitar. While becoming educated in theory and harmony, like hearing how jazz musicians improvise over very basic forms was eye opening in terms of where it can go...
  8. Awesome

    Pop music too loud, sounds the same

    What a bullshit statement. There's plenty of good music that's been out for less than 15 years, you're just lazy.
  9. Awesome

    Are Dogs a Good Pet for an INFJ?

    Dawww look at duh adorable PUPPIES Pitbulls wearing flowers <3
  10. Awesome

    Are Dogs a Good Pet for an INFJ?

    This is a great Idea. Don't listen to Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) and don't use pronged collars.
  11. Awesome

    Are Dogs a Good Pet for an INFJ?

    Dogs are very much an "investment" type of pet. They bond with you over time. This bond strengthens through training, working, caring, and nurturing. Dogs are often used as service dogs for people with either mental or physical disabilities, I've seen them be used for the blind, as well as a...
  12. Awesome

    What do you do to attract a mate?

    One time a woman asked me what I spend my time thinking about and I told her I spend a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to be a parrot, because then I could put a blanket over my face and instantly go to sleep. I have the savoir faire of a hyena.
  13. Awesome

    What do you do to attract a mate?

    Women like confident men. So I look at her in the eyes and say "I will fuck you. I will". Then I like to be unpredictable, because being spontaneous is very attractive. I ask her what she is doing and then I scream "Shut up!" really loudly in her face.
  14. Awesome

    Steam thread!

    Sweet, I accepted your invite. I'm also on Origin, I have BF3 if anyone has that. Username is SlippitySlaps
  15. Awesome

    Career change at 27 - Engineering to Psychology

    There is really no point in going to school for the soft sciences. It's like getting a degree in business, you'd be better off with 5 years of experience. One of my friends has a degree in business and she landed a minimum wage job as a secretary, and the firm said you either needed 6 years...