Recent content by bamf

  1. bamf

    Best break up songs or anti-love songs

    This takes me back a bit.
  2. bamf

    HI! How are you? :D

    HI! How are you? :D
  3. bamf

    I'm doing quite well. Life has treated me decently and I cannot complain. I hope that you too...

    I'm doing quite well. Life has treated me decently and I cannot complain. I hope that you too have found life to be fulfilling! I didn't expect to see you here still! How long have you been back? Is anything the same here?
  4. bamf

    I haven't checked in here in forever, but I hope you're doing well!

    I haven't checked in here in forever, but I hope you're doing well!
  5. bamf

    Holy shit, you're back?! Talk about a blast from the past. I don't know if we'll ever cross...

    Holy shit, you're back?! Talk about a blast from the past. I don't know if we'll ever cross paths again, but it was awesome seeing your name pop back up.
  6. bamf

    I still think about you, dude. I miss you a lot =(

    I still think about you, dude. I miss you a lot =(
  7. bamf

    Shoot First, Ask Questions Later Police Mentality

    Uhh, if you live in an area that is being policed, it kinda is up to you to decide whether this is right or wrong.
  8. bamf

    Angels & Demons

    I've gotta go with the "no" option for this one. Nothing I have seen or experienced in my life has led me down a path to believing in much of anything spiritual or divine, ghostly or supernatural. If it works for other people, that's cool, but it's not for me. Also, acid crack is for wimps...
  9. bamf

    :) Great to be around. I hope life is treating you well!

    :) Great to be around. I hope life is treating you well!
  10. bamf

    Very, very true. I think they have "good" intentions, but as you said, they do not see how very...

    Very, very true. I think they have "good" intentions, but as you said, they do not see how very much they contribute to the very pain they claim to fight against.
  11. bamf

    Differences between men and women

    Did anyone else notice the double entendre here?
  12. bamf

    Differences between men and women

    Wait. You posted information you found interesting, and then immediately felt defensive when someone took interest in what you posted?
  13. bamf

    Question for Parents with School-Aged Children

    I am a high school English teacher, and I have a question for those of you with students in elementary school/early middle school. Do your children have typing classes at school anymore? I ask because I'm noticing that a large number of my students have very limited typing skills. When I was in...
  14. bamf

    INFJ, The Manipulator?

    I am patiently awaiting Ortorin 's reply.
  15. bamf

    Synaesthesia Challenge

    My score was 67, and to be perfectly honest, I had never actually spent anything time thinking about it.