Recent content by Barachai

  1. Barachai

    Philosophy at school

    I've always been encouraged to try and think at church, as well as to doubt. I've never exactly been told to not think, which I like. I think that alot of churches encourage nonthinking cause if people did that they might notice contradictions, like maybe the bible condemning their own...
  2. Barachai

    The 2nd Great Christian Argument

    Hmm... well, he may have survived such a thing as a crucifixion, but he would be very near dead from loss of blood. Without food for days afterwards? He'd be very dead, much less be able to roll back a stone door. I've never found that theory to be reasonable.
  3. Barachai

    The 2nd Great Christian Argument

    Yeah, that argument is a little... flawed. There are better arguments. I could argue to defend my faith, but I'm really not awake enough to put together a decent argument... *yawns*
  4. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Oh, thats nice to know.
  5. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Quoting a guy who never met Jesus? I'm quoting Jesus himself, from the gospels Matthew and Luke, unless you don't count those as Jesus, in which case your entire argument is self defeating.
  6. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Paul said that the gentiles were not subject to the law, in Romans I believe. More stuff for you to nitpick: Matt. 12:1-8? "At the time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. And His disciples were hungry, and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. And when the Pharisees saw...
  7. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Hmm. Don't have verses out yet, but I can sum up the idea. A covenant, by definition, is a two way, conditional deal. If the conditions are broken, then the covenant is broken. As of such, given the Isrealites track record, they did not create a single covenant with God. Once they had broken it...
  8. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    I'll have to pull some research about covenants out. I'll get back on this later tonight.
  9. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Hehe I've learned a lot by arguing here. Very nice...
  10. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    The old law was made to be temporarily binding (look up how a covenant works). It had to be reinstated several times because the people broke it. Thus, Christ reinstated it as the last covenant, bound by his death. The apostles spoke the words of God. Disregard them if you want, but they...
  11. Barachai

    Australian Christians seem as nice as American Christians

    Whats the point in using legality to force moral views on others? Seems counterproductive to me, its not like its going to save any souls, just push them away. Oh well. Those hyper conservatives have rights, too, which is important overall.
  12. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    "In that He says 'A new covenant', He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." Hebrews 8:13, NKJV. May I suggest you read Hebrews? It deals extensively with the old law, and its relation to the new.
  13. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Paul wrote after "everything was accomplished". Christ's death was the signing of the new covenant, so when christ spoke the old covenant was still binding. After christ's death, the old law became "obsolete", but many of the moralities of the law remained. At least, that's how I understand it...
  14. Barachai

    For the Bible Tells Me So...

    Paul explicitly stated that "the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed" in Rom. 3. Look around in that chapter, Paul says alot about what the old law did/does. Then he goes on to describe that neither the law or works can bring righteousness. Also, i'd suggest looking at Rom. 2:14...
  15. Barachai

    I mean seriously...*seriously*?!

    I've heard news like this before. Makes me wonder how the kid's mind works after that. I hope he gets better...