Recent content by basic

  1. basic

    [INFJ] Do INFJs have problems with low self-worth and low self-esteen, or is it just me?

    I am posting out of the blue after quite a while of inactivity on this forum... But I just wanted to say that I totally sympathize with this. Having a feeling of low self worth is my main struggle in life at the moment, especially in the arena of relationships (or lack there of). At 25, it has...
  2. basic

    What's your views on the ice water challenge thing?

    As per the best podcast in the universe: This is an interesting angle connecting the idea to flagellants, and the idea of people being guilt-ridden. Further discussion on the next...
  3. basic

    I am very ok. how half you bean?

    I am very ok. how half you bean?
  4. basic

    Regular Expressions?

    OK. So I figured out that the regex that kinda sorta solves me problem is /<h1>(?:[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)(\s+)(?:[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)<\/h1>/gi which matches <h1>Word Word</h1>. However, it isn't always <h1>Word Word</h1>. The string that needs to be matched may sometimes be <h1>Word Word Word</h1> and...
  5. basic

    Regular Expressions?

    Ok, I re-read what I posted and I admit it's kinda confusing. So basically, I am using jquery to .get an html file, and what I want to do is pull certain things from the file, such as anything between h1 tags, other html tags, or simply between words, and store that in a var. For example: var...
  6. basic

    Regular Expressions?

    Does anyone happen to know anything about regular expressions (regex) in JavaScript? I'm trying to parse characters/words between two different strings. I could also potentially do between two HTML tags also, <h1>. The only thing I know is that it'll probably include ".*?" What I'm parsing is...
  7. basic

    I hope the last 10 or so months have been well. :)

    I hope the last 10 or so months have been well. :)
  8. basic

    what indian dish are you?

    Got the same thing. Consequently it's one of my favorite indian dishes.
  9. basic

    I met you about a year ago in tinychat. You played guitar.

    I met you about a year ago in tinychat. You played guitar.
  10. basic

    I think I'm most active on this forum when I don't have a schedule. I found this forum about a...

    I think I'm most active on this forum when I don't have a schedule. I found this forum about a year ago while I was dying of boredom during the summer. I interned all summer, so I basically got home, ate, and fell asleep.
  11. basic

    ben jah man ware haz you bean my fran.

    ben jah man ware haz you bean my fran.
  12. basic

    it is whale. how are you? I have not posted on the forum in months...

    it is whale. how are you? I have not posted on the forum in months...
  13. basic

    New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!!

    I think it's silly that it has taken this long. I'm not even someone who wants to get married, but I think this is a necessary step in breaking down the social stigmas. It's also a big "fuck you" to all those who oppose it. New York has been my home my entire life, and I can't imagine living...
  14. basic

    still here also. busy. haven't been on the forum or tinychat since the end of feb.

    still here also. busy. haven't been on the forum or tinychat since the end of feb.
  15. basic

