Going to law school in the fall. Idealistic, but trying to recover from that tendency because I end up living in squalor while I work for the greater good. I realized I have to take care of myself as well etc.
like nature a lot, gardening, hanging out with girlfriend
- Birthday
May 5, 1985
(Age: 39)
- Biography
- B.A. in Psych. Spent a couple years in the forest monasteries of Northeast Thailand.
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- Following what's true to me- leads to confusion, immorality, etc. and a cloudy mind which is what I dislike most.
That's all. I'm my only refuge.
- What would be your epitaph?
- Dave.
He's dead.
- infj
- Occupation
- unsure, want to make it through law school and the