Recent content by batumi

  1. B

    INFJ Movies

    Seabiscuit. It doesn't get any better than this.
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    an INFJ commercial

    From the Washington state lottery. I loved this and thought it had many elements relating to INFJs. Enjoy!!
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    Christopher McCandless??

    Here are my quotes from Death of An Innocent, about Christopher McCandless. pulled to support my idea that he was an INFJ. "And although he wasn't burdened with a surfeit of common sense and possessed a streak of stubborn idealism that did not readily mesh with the realities of modern life...
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    INFJ Rage

    Wow Satya, that was an incredible post. Very well-stated!!! Thank you.
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    Dating and INFJs

    Heh. I am dating an ISFJ right now. Try that for introversion.
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    INFJ's having children

    Shai gar, You are cool! I have three adopted from foreign countries and one birthchild. There are truly so many children who need parents and homes. Good for you!!
  7. B

    Do your friends tend to be your type?

    One of my favorite friends is an ESFP. What a kick! I adore her. We get along well, she loves to talk about relationships and people, has depth, and is very fun. I ran into a lot of ENFJs over the last year and have been somewhat collecting them as friends. But I think they are hard. I have...