Recent content by Black Swan

  1. Black Swan

    Thank you.

    Thank you.
  2. Black Swan

    INFJ: Performance anxiety?

    Yep. I live in the corporate world where I teach classes and have had to give presentations or meet with VPs. It never gets easier for me. I can't remember what I say half the time. Guess not remembering means I also get to forget any cringe worthy moments. :m130:
  3. Black Swan

    Hypothetical Advice Thread

    What advice would you give the guy with the crocodile problem?
  4. Black Swan

    Slant already did. Ha, I'm a little nervous now.

    Slant already did. Ha, I'm a little nervous now.
  5. Black Swan

    In reference to the hypothetical advice giving idea. I would love to see what Slant and Shai...

    In reference to the hypothetical advice giving idea. I would love to see what Slant and Shai would advise as proper etiquette when interacting with others. Like in the workplace, the doctor's office, etc. I think it would make for a good laugh.
  6. Black Swan

    What Do You Do That's Annoying?

    Some would say perfection is annoying.
  7. Black Swan

    Do I still have a chance?

    It shouldn't be a surprise considering that the forum consists of mainly INFJs. It's going to be natural to experience some of the same hardships and to communicate it. Maybe you can start your own hypothetical advice giving thread. :) And I agree with Yield. A lot of these situations are...
  8. Black Swan

    What Do You Do That's Annoying?

    Occasionally, my sensitivity chip completely evaporates and I say awful things. Fortunately, I don't think that happens too much here because typing it out is a way of filtering.
  9. Black Swan

    What homophobe said this?

    Maybe Bill O'Reilly...? I don't know, I'm going to start googling.
  10. Black Swan

    Gender sucks

    I find it amusing that you're so riled about this when it takes exactly these type of situations to destroy "bullshit preconceived notions". If she cares about her career, despite the possible humiliation, she'll spread 'em. Or as Slant said, have a DNA test. It may not be pleasant, but it's...
  11. Black Swan

    Do you have a purpose?

    It's a form of numerology, although that was very simplified. Each # represents a different "path" in life. Typically, in numerology you have a "Life Path Number" amongst others. So for example. If your birthday was 1-01-1950, you would add those #'s up: 1+0+1+1+9+5+0=17 Then you would add...
  12. Black Swan

    Gender sucks

    I'm surprised at the responses here. If "she" is actually a "he", it does matter. Competitions are gender specific for a reason (depending on the sport), men often times have natural physical advantages over women, and as someone posted previously, there have in fact been imposters. For her...
  13. Black Swan

    Which "Flame Warrior" are you?

    I'm with TLM, I don't know. I was actually a forum virgin until I came here, and I haven't really posted all that much, so I'm not sure yet... Then again, I have a hard time being objective with myself... too many damn voices in this head. I'd definitely say some are more obvious than others.
  14. Black Swan

    Desperately needing advice!!

    Again, thanks all for posting. As I type this my husband is with his friend having a talk, and I'm nervous. My husband has been very open about his emotional state today, which really freaked me out. He's INTJ and normally getting emotion out of him is like pulling teeth. So... I know my...