Recent content by BlackHorse

  1. BlackHorse MBTI Type Test

    Honestly, I'd say like 80-90% is more accurate but I always get it above 90 on all tests.
  2. BlackHorse MBTI Type Test

    Strong introvert that's for sure :sweatsmile:
  3. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    @Ren I guess I'm slowly realising what you told me a couple of days ago - I don't care as much as I thought and he's not that special.
  4. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    :dizzy::dizzy: Haha no, thank god. Maybe he's out of his game because of the current situation (aka quarentine).
  5. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    That's what a guy in his 40s told me last week...
  6. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    Yeah I plan to stay here. It's my hometown and I recently moved back. The right one is around here, he's just taking his time :laughing: I only accept late 20s :smirk: :m106: Horrible.
  7. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    Lmao no, mid 20s but that means guys around me are about 30 and lets be honest, they're all insane :tongueclosed:
  8. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    Thanks for the motivation @JustPhil.:blush: Your words definitely make sense. Everytime I thought I've found ''the one'' they were just another lesson. Each and one of them taught me a lot and I'm grateful for that. I rather be single than settling for someone I'm not 100% sure about.
  9. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    I'm already old. More like an advantage :tearsofjoy: :m015:
  10. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    Don't worry, I wasn't taking them seriously :tearsofjoy:
  11. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    It's good in theory. How do you handle that? The worst thing are expectations... and when something doesn't work out I can't deal anymore. I need weeks just to get back on track. Some people date all the time. ... how :neutral:
  12. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    Am I picky or am I just specific about what I want? :smirk: Yes! And yet everyone decides being a moron is a good idea.
  13. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    I just don't feel the excitement to meet them even when conversation is nice. Also I don't have anyone (except few weirdos every day) near me for the past month on tinder so I'm more or less done.. I live in a city with about 20k people. Maybe I will go out again (after 10 years) when this...
  14. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    Thank you @slant, it's nice to hear you're doing great :smiley: That's definitely root problem for me too, but I'm proud of my small steps.. I mean, at least I'm not running after every douchebag :grimacing::tearsofjoy:
  15. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] post first date situation

    @slant My childhood was amazing, never had any issues whatsoever. Yeah I've had same problem with ''trying even harder'' .. but relationship with my first bf taught me a lesson and I never did it again. If they don't reply I'm done, ofc that doesn't mean I don't obsess over them.. Working on...