Recent content by BlinkandThink

  1. BlinkandThink

    Change One Word

    She documented Little Magister's use of psychedelics for "daydreaming".
  2. BlinkandThink

    What drug is your personality?

    Your Personality Is Like Acid A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe... And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime. What...
  3. BlinkandThink

    What makes you green with envy?

    I envy the same thing. :-/ Not drummers specifically, but anyone who started very young learning skills I struggle with. But at the same time, I think it's pointless to envy anyone. We all have joy and pain ... and we all ultimately have the same fate. We're on this ship together.
  4. BlinkandThink

    How do you judge people?

    You Judge People Based on Evidence You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either. You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong. It's hard for you to...
  5. BlinkandThink

    Have you ever killed a song through repetition?

    I always do this! Usually it's a random pop song I never used to like but suddenly can't stop listening to. A couple months ago, it was "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani ... just over and over and over for about a week. Then I suddenly couldn't listen to it anymore. Even thinking about it...
  6. BlinkandThink

    The Soul Type Quiz

    Tie: Creator/Performer Creator - 14 Performer - 14 Thinker - 11 Hunter - 10 Leader - 7 Caregiver - 6 Educator - 5 Spiritualist - 4 Helper - 3 Creator As the name suggests, Creators are drawn to creativity of all sorts. This includes conventional artistic...
  7. BlinkandThink

    Do you like talking about yourself and what's happening in your life?

    I like talking about my thoughts and asking other people about theirs, but I don't like the feeling of a person asking me a bazillion questions. I'd rather be asked: "What's been on your mind lately?" My favorite conversations are imaginative and playful. Or discussions that lead to an...
  8. BlinkandThink

    What (Ennea)type do I come across as?

    The more you explain your 4-like qualities, the less you sound like a 4 (however, I haven't seen an INTP 4 before, so that could be why), but I can't change my vote. 5 is the most common type for INTPs, but you don't sound anything like them. I'm going with 9.
  9. BlinkandThink

    Correlations between enneagram and MBTI type

    I got curious and sifted through the correlations to find the types that made it onto each list ... to discover which mbti types are most representative of the enneagram types: Most representative of 1 - ESTJ, ISTJ Most representative of 2 - ESFJ, ESFP, ENFJ, ENFP Most representative of 3 -...
  10. BlinkandThink

    Correlations between enneagram and MBTI type

    There are a few type 9 INFJs on this forum, though some of them may be INFPs, ISFPs, and ISFJs mistyping themselves as INFJs ... or INFJs mistyping themselves as 9s. I wonder if INFJs are less likely to be 9s because the Ni + Fe combo gives them more motivation to find answers. Nines seem to...
  11. BlinkandThink

    Correlations between enneagram and MBTI type

    ENTP, enneagram type 7 -------------------------------------- Enneagram type thread ---> From The Enneagram Blogspot: 1 - ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, INTJ (also ESFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ, INFJ) 2 - ESFJ, ISFJ, ESFP, ENFJ, ENFP (also INFP) 3 - ENTJ, ENFJ (also...
  12. BlinkandThink

    Your Song of the day/week

    GUfS8LyeUyM ... was this past week. Now I'm more ... h6A-JYbu1Os
  13. BlinkandThink

    What (Ennea)type do I come across as?

    More wing descriptions:
  14. BlinkandThink

    What does love mean to you?

    Partnership. Growing together. Mutual admiration, support, and encouragement. Bringing out the best version of the other person. Us vs. The world. And lots of this: