Recent content by blueflame

  1. blueflame

    [INFJ] Irony: INFJ's not taken seriously because of their stability

    I believe the saying is don't mistake my kindness for weakness ;) Introverts are seen as inferior because of the lack of "gorilla chest beating and cheetah tree peeing" tactics that serve others well. They think we have no will power...but that's only because they don't know what we're thinking lol
  2. blueflame

    [INFJ] Irony: INFJ's not taken seriously because of their stability

    To expand on this, I would like them to be reminded that the first thing most people say when they push you to do something and it doesn't go well is "It was your choice, you didn't have to do xyz...." not "well it's partially my fault because I insisted or made the suggestion" therefore they...
  3. blueflame

    [INFJ] Irony: INFJ's not taken seriously because of their stability

    LOL! I love the onion, only discovered it recently though. Yeah we can get a rap I guess that makes us feel boring but I wasn't even really feeling boring as much as I was feeling insulted by the fact that a person would think they could tell me I wasn't where I should be at any point in my life...
  4. blueflame

    [INFJ] Irony: INFJ's not taken seriously because of their stability

    HAD to make this post because it has been eating at me for several months and I also wanted to see if this is a common INFJ issue: Some people in my life treat me in a condescending matter as if I am a lazy, hopeless, unmotivated, or lost-in-life individual because I am not as vocal as they are...
  5. blueflame

    Can we PLEASE talk about Racism?

    Racism is an uncomfortable and difficult topic that always incites anger. It is important that these conversations are had anyway because although corruption will always exist somewhere, peaceful societies can and do exist when the midset of the society as a whole changes. Denial of the things...
  6. blueflame

    Possesive vs Protective

    How do you distinguish the differences?
  7. blueflame


    If you are a young person with no place to live that would be a perfect example of such a circumstance, but when you are both full fleged adults who could live anywhere you choose, it seems like you did just because you could or perhaps one person pressured the other into thinking it was a good...
  8. blueflame


    "To each his own" is right, it makes me cringe at the thought, but that is just my point of view. Unless you just don't care about the outcome of the relationship or your have the ability to change your living situation hassle free, what would make someone reason with themselves it is a good idea?
  9. blueflame


    This is a new day and age. Some people feel comfortable living with people they are dating almost right away. I was thinking that it use to be considered a serious move in a relationship, but now I think maybe is has to do with having a "housemate". Is this a new concept I have never heard of...
  10. blueflame

    Love is complex, lets dissect........

    One of the reasons I say love is complex is because I see people in relationships all that time that don't seem to make sense but it could be as described above: discovering parts of oneself through another person. I have a friend that was not at all interested in or physically attracted to her...
  11. blueflame

    INFJ Intuition work particularly well

    At one point I felt that I had lost my intuition but recently it has been very strong and pinpoint accurate. INFJ's are not psychic but I must admit that I sometimes scare myself LOL. Anyways, with that being said, have you been able to look at your own relationship or another person's...
  12. blueflame


    What about dumpster diving etc. Not just keeping things, but scavenging things that are sometimes completely useless to you.
  13. blueflame

    Nice guy vs Bad Boy

    I like your theory and I have to say I agree. They are essentially doing the same thing (manipulation), just choosing two different paths to get there. Nice. I like it.
  14. blueflame

    Friendly vs polite vs. nice: Are they the same?

    Friendly and nice are two words that mean the same thing. Polite means well behaved but that doesn't mean that they are nice. It has more to do with socially accepted behavior. Example: you could describe me as a friendly/nice person because I say nice things about people, I am thoughtful, etc...