Recent content by bluenile

  1. B

    INFJs and ENTPs

    I can attest from personal experience this is exactly what will happen. I'm still trying to get over the, "I will be a man whore until I suddenly fall hopeless, madly in love with you" part. I think my INFJ brain is utterly incapable of making sense of it.
  2. B

    INFJ a bit insecure about her ENTP boyfriend

    Ha! Well, I've done my best to make it more succinct and ENTP-friendly.
  3. B

    INFJ a bit insecure about her ENTP boyfriend

    I am an INFJ currently dating my first ENTP. I love how social he is, how great he is at assessing people and situations and making people laugh or feel comfortable. He also turns everything around us into magic and is probably the most romantic person I've ever been with. This is also a man...