Ahhh.. I love this trilogy! :D Read this one two years ago.
Me and my INTJ cousin though viewed Katniss as more of an INTJ type since my cousin can see herself in her. Spoiler alert: So logical even up to the point of choosing Peeta at the end instead of Gale, very sharp minded, creative and...
Hmm.. I am so late with all of these topics but I wanted to share some information from my part of the world and also air/vent some of my worries about what's happening in the world right now. Since its deeply troubling me. I want to find that happy middle to all of this and I know you guys too...
I missed you Sarah
and I'm so so glad that you sound so happy
and that you're working on your CV.
I really hope you'll have your dream job hehe. :D :hug:
I'm not sure if this is something type-related but maybe due to INFJs being sensitive and perfectionist so we end up being so hard and over critical to ourselves and having a non-appreciative mother/family members makes the matter worse. To answer the question, I have dealt with low self-esteem...
Haha.. and she's so kind too..
a UNICEF Ambassador.. ^^
donated a lot to world tragedies..
she dance with her heart.. ^^
Truly an art form in her movements..
Lol.. Im silly, I'm late fangirling lol.
She's retired now.. ughh.. T.T
Yay.. it has been a week.. lol.
Aww.. I love Queen Yuna hehe.. :P
So artistic and so graceful.. :D
I want to learn figure skating now ehehe..
is it too late? lol. :P