Recent content by Breathlessangel

  1. Breathlessangel

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    Ahhh.. I love this trilogy! :D Read this one two years ago. Me and my INTJ cousin though viewed Katniss as more of an INTJ type since my cousin can see herself in her. Spoiler alert: So logical even up to the point of choosing Peeta at the end instead of Gale, very sharp minded, creative and...
  2. Breathlessangel

    "Refugees" What is Europe thinking?

    Hmm.. I am so late with all of these topics but I wanted to share some information from my part of the world and also air/vent some of my worries about what's happening in the world right now. Since its deeply troubling me. I want to find that happy middle to all of this and I know you guys too...
  3. Breathlessangel

    Which RPG class represents you?

    Like my character in Perfect World before. :D I missed that game.
  4. Breathlessangel

    I missed you Sarah and I'm so so glad that you sound so happy and that you're working on your...

    I missed you Sarah and I'm so so glad that you sound so happy and that you're working on your CV. I really hope you'll have your dream job hehe. :D :hug:
  5. Breathlessangel

    I've been real busy hehe with so many things. But Im super doing well. :D How about you? :hug:

    I've been real busy hehe with so many things. But Im super doing well. :D How about you? :hug:
  6. Breathlessangel

    Which 7 Wonder of the World are you?

    Macchu Picchu! Included in my "must see" list.. :D
  7. Breathlessangel

    Just go online in your noon! ;) Same time as before.. maybe a little late hehe.

    Just go online in your noon! ;) Same time as before.. maybe a little late hehe.
  8. Breathlessangel

    True and she's so pretty hehe.. my girl crush hehe. Yep.. now this list is gonna be my new...

    True and she's so pretty hehe.. my girl crush hehe. Yep.. now this list is gonna be my new obsession haha. Thanks Satori hehe.. mwahhh ^^
  9. Breathlessangel

    Haha, that one's really funny! Hehe.. ^^

    Haha, that one's really funny! Hehe.. ^^
  10. Breathlessangel

    :m096: :m111:

    :m096: :m111:
  11. Breathlessangel

    [INFJ] Do INFJs have problems with low self-worth and low self-esteen, or is it just me?

    I'm not sure if this is something type-related but maybe due to INFJs being sensitive and perfectionist so we end up being so hard and over critical to ourselves and having a non-appreciative mother/family members makes the matter worse. To answer the question, I have dealt with low self-esteem...
  12. Breathlessangel

    What's your blood type?

    A + :m111:
  13. Breathlessangel

    Haha.. and she's so kind too.. a UNICEF Ambassador.. ^^ donated a lot to world tragedies.. she...

    Haha.. and she's so kind too.. a UNICEF Ambassador.. ^^ donated a lot to world tragedies.. she dance with her heart.. ^^ Truly an art form in her movements.. Lol.. Im silly, I'm late fangirling lol. She's retired now.. ughh.. T.T
  14. Breathlessangel

    And me to you too haha.. Good thing.. we are both online now ahahaha!! :hug: :hug:

    And me to you too haha.. Good thing.. we are both online now ahahaha!! :hug: :hug:
  15. Breathlessangel

    Yay.. it has been a week.. lol. Aww.. I love Queen Yuna hehe.. :P So artistic and so graceful...

    Yay.. it has been a week.. lol. Aww.. I love Queen Yuna hehe.. :P So artistic and so graceful.. :D I want to learn figure skating now ehehe.. is it too late? lol. :P