Recent content by brokenxtheory

  1. brokenxtheory

    Value Sorter

    Fame (then I can help with tons of charity work) Family Compassion/Service
  2. brokenxtheory

    Your personality based on pictures.

    You're a "Creative" Intellect: Creative Skills: Listener Emotions: Generator Dynamism: Grafter Your Core Skills You
  3. brokenxtheory


    I took a random test years ago and Indigo came out as my results. I had no idea what it even was so I took the time to do some research and what I found was interesting. It describes me in a way that I never thought was possible because I've always had a feeling of being very "different", but I...
  4. brokenxtheory

    Post your Enneagram

    eclecticenergies - You are most likely a type 5. Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6 or 6w5. similarminds - 4 sp/so
  5. brokenxtheory

    Who you want to be versus who you are.

    Cool test. ideal you |||||| real you |||||| Introversion |||||||||| 36% |||||||||||||||||||| 83%...
  6. brokenxtheory

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Interesting. Actualized type: ISFJ (who you are) Introverted (I) 85.71% Extroverted (E) 14.29% Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50% Feeling (F) 70.83% Thinking (T) 29.17% Judging (J) 68.75% Perceiving (P) 31.25%...
  7. brokenxtheory

    Anyone play instruments?

    I play guitar (semi expert), bass (I suck at), and piano (not very well). I used to play the saxophone, drums (very briefly), and the violin.
  8. brokenxtheory

    Annoying people

    This bothers me too. And only because I feel somewhat bad for them when I unknowingly dismiss our assumed "friendship". Yet at the same time it's their fault for diving right in right away. Man, at least test the waters before assuming such things, lol.
  9. brokenxtheory

    INFJ males....

    The goals aspect doesn't necessarily matter to me, but having similar ideals do. So my answer is yes.
  10. brokenxtheory

    How does an INFJ show interest?

    1. How would you try to catch the eye of another person? I try to make subtle eye contact. I tend to stare when I like a girl, so I'm always trying to be discreet, lol. I don't want to come off as a weird guy. 2. How would you respond if they tried to catch your eye? I honestly don't know...
  11. brokenxtheory

    Being Explosive...

    I will explode or implode when the time is necessary and of great importance. When people start running their mouth and assuming things, then yeah I get a little defensive. And I can't predict what I'm going to say and later I'm shocked about what I said.
  12. brokenxtheory


    Truthfully, I dislike being completely alone sometimes. And it shows when I seek out for someone online to talk to. It's a very taxing feeling that I'd like to have happen less and less. I feel like I don't know what to do, that I should be doing something, and thats rare for me to feel that way...
  13. brokenxtheory

    Long distance relationships

    No experience here, but I think they can work. It's all about finding a balance and a mutual agreement. I think what makes them more complicated is that one person may be feeling neglected in some way and the other person not as much. If you both greatly seek for a well rounded long distance...
  14. brokenxtheory

    Crushes, love them or hate them?

    I find myself having crushes a lot too. What is it about they that makes the whole sensation so enjoyable? I really like having them because they make me feel more normal, you know? I feel like I'm alive, as trite as that sounds. But I tend to think more about the crush than actually pursuing...
  15. brokenxtheory

    Where are you?

    I live in 1996.