Recent content by Bt4fl

  1. B

    Condoms for Africa

    (I couldn't find a better version of this...)
  2. B

    Adult women cry 2 hours, 14 minutes a week

    I can only remember crying 3 times in the last 4 years...
  3. B

    Books: Fantasy Genre

    Great series to read is "The Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind. Eleven books of fantasy at it's best. The first book is titled "Wizard's First Rule".
  4. B

    What is your blood type?

    O+... says so on my dog tags
  5. B

    Nerd, Geek, or Dork

    (as was expected) Pure Nerd 52 % Nerd, 17% Geek, 13% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one. A Dork is someone who has...
  6. B

    How astute are you?

    Your result for How astute are you? ... Eagle Eye 100% Astute Nothing gets past you. You no doubt counted cows all the way through, spotted rogue oats, and are in no doubt who'd related to whom in your family tree. Go and have some celebratory chocolate! Woot! i don't like chocolate...
  7. B

    What does your MBTI really stand for?

    Emotions Negate Thought Processes Enriched Naturaly Through Plutonium! I'll think of more latter...
  8. B

    What's your type of humor?

    the Idiot Savant (48% dark, 65% spontaneous, 84% vulgar) your humor style: VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | LIGHT You like things silly, immediate, and, above all, outrageous. Ixne on the subtle word play, more testicles on fire, please. People like you are the most likely to RECEIVE internet...
  9. B

    INFJs can't take compliments - true?

    Guilty as charged! :D
  10. B

    We're doing great, but we've both relized that we hate being apart from eachother. So the first...

    We're doing great, but we've both relized that we hate being apart from eachother. So the first chance I get to after training I'm going to go see her down in Indiana; maybe bring her back to see my famliy.
  11. B

    Cuse I'm in a goofy mood and I'm making conversation. You sound like your hiding something...

    Cuse I'm in a goofy mood and I'm making conversation. You sound like your hiding something...
  12. B


    Gunz online? (Third person, Korean made) That's another one I forgot about... I was GOOD at it too. (level 56 or something on there and the leader of my own clan)
  13. B

    That's cool... any new love interests?

    That's cool... any new love interests?
  14. B

    I don't think I'm gonna cuddle any of thouse guys... N-E-Who... Anything interesting...

    I don't think I'm gonna cuddle any of thouse guys... N-E-Who... Anything interesting happening in your life lately?
  15. B

    Oh yah! Nothing better then hanging around 43 other guys, all stinking to high heaven and having...

    Oh yah! Nothing better then hanging around 43 other guys, all stinking to high heaven and having pine cones under your back when you try to sleep! Honestly, it won't be too bad, just long... At least I'll finaly get some training like I want instead of sitting around all the time.