Recent content by Cait Takara

  1. Cait Takara

    [INFJ] Reflecting on a faded friendship

    In some way I don't ever want to understand, you have to give it to these types. The amount of energy they have to be social whether talking, social media, everyone's business, etc. WOW. One 3-4 hour social gathering with more than 30 people, and bogged for 3 days minimum. So these types are...
  2. Cait Takara

    Setting boundaries with alcoholic family

    You @Asa...I'd think it's pretty evident since your username is the only one I referenced. I fully support UUUs decision whatever it is. Do I support your incessant need to reply to every comment with a back handed compliment and a one up card for taking whatever higher road you've selected...
  3. Cait Takara

    Setting boundaries with alcoholic family

    Well gee wilickers I'm glad there are empathetic people like you Asa, I wish I could allocate time towards such a charitable cause. Perhaps you could elaborate on the personal benefits one might gain from that? As an 8w7, I can assure you I would never chance my peace on what clearly is chaos...
  4. Cait Takara

    Setting boundaries with alcoholic family

    Is it really quality time though? Even you think she's looking for a reason to drink, not spend time with you. Don't feel bad for lack of participation, besides with or without you she will drink. She's your mom but that doesn't guarantee she'll care, she's an addict and her vice is the center...
  5. Cait Takara

    Late to the party as always but this app is handy :)

    Late to the party as always but this app is handy :)
  6. Cait Takara

    The all seeing admin can delete my account now. Thanks its been fun. :)

    The all seeing admin can delete my account now. Thanks its been fun. :)
  7. Cait Takara

    [INFJ] The Illusionist..

    Lately I've been leaving an old alarm clock I found on the fm radio on low as background noise at home. Today is just weird as far as the intermittent news between popular song replays. It took a few times to get this...."Guiliani and 19 others surrender in Georgia....Chris Hansen busts a 9...
  8. Cait Takara

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    What were they doing with it? lol
  9. Cait Takara

    Pushing Buttons...

    I would like to say in my experience they don't generally come back once they are read. At least it hasn't happened to me yet. So in a roundabout way that cuts off their supply at least from me. I guess I don't mind one interaction I know I can handle if that deters them from ever coming back...
  10. Cait Takara

    Pushing Buttons...

    I figure if the general consensus here is that no attention=no supply, I think it preemptively combats their ability to do that once people see what who they are. I'm on the same page as most here I just have a different approach as an individual versus another individual. There's more than one...
  11. Cait Takara

    Pushing Buttons...

    I wasn't arguing... Forget I posted that, whatever.
  12. Cait Takara

    Pushing Buttons...

    Very true, I just find it odd and interesting that when asked direct questions, or poking holes in their story that nice person they claim to be falls to the wayside QUICK. Evading the question and tossing insults that aren't answers. I do know it bothers them when insults fail, when you act...
  13. Cait Takara

    Pushing Buttons...

    Sorry I posted the other response in the wrong reply area. Something weird though, I'm still unsure of how I was in the wrong for questioning her on what she admitted was a complete lie in the first place. In one fail swoop I'm a child molester, predator, neurotic, and overall need to commit...
  14. Cait Takara

    Pushing Buttons...

    Well I was on reddit and I got a suggestion for a community r/narcissist and this user posted and said she was diagnosed as narcissistic by a therapist, and her friends held an intervention because she thought her behavior was normal. So when she started to explain behavior patterns such as...