Recent content by CAptain

  1. CAptain

    No THANK YOU for making my ears happy. :D

    No THANK YOU for making my ears happy. :D
  2. CAptain

    Your Song of the day/week

    ^^ IxsPGdAmGymuGHqg&context=C3139f26ADOEgsToPDskLPCku eSR50aiGwVroIZq63
  3. CAptain

    Now I remember asking you the color question a while back....I think D:

    Now I remember asking you the color question a while back....I think D:
  4. CAptain

    What's your dark element

    Your Dark Element is Wood You are a driven and determined person. When you want something, you become intensely focused. You are competitive and assertive. If you don't keep yourself in check, you can get aggressive. You are very bold and sure of yourself. When your mind is set on something...
  5. CAptain

    Music you have to crank up in the car

    I tend to keep it low during my daily drives but at night, when I have the roads to myself, I like disrespect my surroundings. Was listening to this type of music last night, windows down, no people around me. It's a liberating experience I tell ya.
  6. CAptain

    INFJs Forum Party and You're Invited!

    :m063: Hmmm....maybe your body was up but your brain was still asleep? Cus that's how a couple of my friends used to roll too. :lol:
  7. CAptain

    Btw Sensiko created a "Hot chicks" group....if you're interested ;)

    Btw Sensiko created a "Hot chicks" group....if you're interested ;)
  8. CAptain

    INFJs Forum Party and You're Invited!

    And after 5 days of non-stop partying........ CAptain leaves safe and sound.
  9. CAptain

    The official INFJf funny video thread.

    Damn! I was about to post this lololol. Dat hat! ^^ Everyone has a Dean Winters.
  10. CAptain


    I like dubster....and I'm not even white lololol. It just sounds so *wubwubwubwubwubwubwubw* :D
  11. CAptain

    lololol I can just imagine you headbanging to that song. :D Niiicccceeee I had a feeling you...

    lololol I can just imagine you headbanging to that song. :D Niiicccceeee I had a feeling you we're gonna like Serebro. I noticed that your wall is full of pink and purples which got me thinking...I wonder what mochi's favorite color is.....
  12. CAptain

    [PUG] Hypocrisy

  13. CAptain

    Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

    Thanks, man. I treat others as I wish to be treated. With respect; dignity. Although sometimes I give others the wrong impression. xD
  14. CAptain

    Eh social experiment? I don't know what you're talking about haha and yes I'm a guy. I sometimes...

    Eh social experiment? I don't know what you're talking about haha and yes I'm a guy. I sometimes do as say stuff just to see peoples reaction.....hey I guess it is a social experiment. :D