Recent content by CazadorRoosevelt

  1. CazadorRoosevelt

    Aww thanks <3 I promise I will get better at responding.

    Aww thanks <3 I promise I will get better at responding.
  2. CazadorRoosevelt

    Marry a forum member

    I'd marry you right back for the same reason. Also, bc you're a cutie pie lol
  3. CazadorRoosevelt

    School, A path to modern enslavement?

    Boys are statistically punished more for the same behaviors in school: Here is a link breaking down why boys aren't fairing well in our school system. It doesn't have anything to do with level of...
  4. CazadorRoosevelt

    School, A path to modern enslavement?

    Because apparently gender differences are evil and shouldn't be acknowledged lol. Btw, I'm not arguing about which sex is better or worse than the other. I'm simply stating differences exist that cause each gender to have their own unique struggles.
  5. CazadorRoosevelt

    School, A path to modern enslavement?

    That's actually a very interesting excerpt. He makes some valid points
  6. CazadorRoosevelt

    School, A path to modern enslavement?

    ... I'm a female mate. Points for effort. Anyways, apart from periods being irrelevant to this conversation and quite shoehorned in I might add, you are admitting girls do better in school because they listen to instruction better, which doesn't refute my point at all. It was my point. Boys...
  7. CazadorRoosevelt

    School, A path to modern enslavement?

    Getting to college doesn't equate to intellectual strength. The reason males are falling behind in primary schooling is because the way the system subconsciously fails them. Girls are better at sitting through courses and remembering things for tests and males tend to be more hands on and are...
  8. CazadorRoosevelt

    It's only because I don't love you anymore

    It's only because I don't love you anymore
  9. CazadorRoosevelt

    Philosophically satisfying movies

    *Frantically screenshots for future movie suggestions* There's so many things here that sound so appealing. I'm intrigued and elated to see different perspectives of what one considers philosophical. It's all about what resonates in your spirit.
  10. CazadorRoosevelt

    Philosophically satisfying movies

    Never seen it. I'm spreading my cinematic and philosophical wings. What's it about?
  11. CazadorRoosevelt

    Philosophically satisfying movies

    Science fiction, space exploration AND existential themes???? Now I HAVE to see it!
  12. CazadorRoosevelt

    Philosophically satisfying movies

    I'm going to be honest... thought more people would want to comment on this thread
  13. CazadorRoosevelt

    Philosophically satisfying movies

    I've never seen Nausicaä but will have to try it out if it's as good as the rest of his films. Princess Mononoke is my soul movie. I saw it when I was about 4 during a very traumatic period in my life and it resonated in my spirit. I didn't know the name of the movie but I never forgot about it...
  14. CazadorRoosevelt

    Philosophically satisfying movies

    The dude has these wicked awesome eyebrows. If that's not indicative of intelligence, then I don't know what is.