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  • Last Dawn wishes that Chaotic Lion has a fabulous day and may peace be upon her:hug:
    Yes, sorry I haven't responded yet. I have read it. I just need some time to write.
    hi...not afraid of doctors and their stupid tests...i hate them...I am moving and am putting off the docs for as long as I can..ugh!
    Hello! (to everyone, not just chaotic lion) i would like to let you all know that chaotic_lion is currently grounded and wont be on for a while. She asked me to let everyone know. Thank you muches!!! :)
    Sorry I haven't been on until now. Did it display me as online when you mesaged me earlier?
    We're doing great, but we've both relized that we hate being apart from eachother. So the first chance I get to after training I'm going to go see her down in Indiana; maybe bring her back to see my famliy.
    Cuse I'm in a goofy mood and I'm making conversation.

    You sound like your hiding something...
    I don't think I'm gonna cuddle any of thouse guys...


    Anything interesting happening in your life lately?
    Oh yah! Nothing better then hanging around 43 other guys, all stinking to high heaven and having pine cones under your back when you try to sleep!

    Honestly, it won't be too bad, just long... At least I'll finaly get some training like I want instead of sitting around all the time.
    On the lines of changing names... I've been thinking about changing my IRL name for a few years. I thought it was really expensive but looks like I could do it for about $500.
    Nothing much. I'm talking to my GF... and plaing for the next two weeks where I will be out in the woods doing training with my unit... it's gonna suck ass!
    You were saying that you were 'disappointed, sadly' in the mood for the day thread.
    But I'm glad you're ok now :)
    First, you save the picture you want to your computer. Then upload it to your albums. once it is in your albums, click on the picture, to recieve its URL. Highlight and copy it, then go into user cp, go to background, (or any prompt box you want it in) and and paste it in the picture bar. Simple! :)
    Sorry, I got off and went for a run. I was tired of being in this room.
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