Charlie David Lorz

My name is Charlie, and I am gay. I have had three progressively bad relationships in my life, so I am currently single and trying to enjoy it. Although I do yearn for a relationship, I am staving it off, so to speak. I am an empath who can get inside of others minds at times, but I don't know how to make it stop. I put others above myself and have the occasional burnout that occurs when I am drained. I just try to help everyone else, but I have lost myself through the years

Trying to understand the world and the people on it.
Video games help me release tension from within.
Really? I will fill this one in later.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
People to help
My phone
My toothbrush
My heart
What would be your epitaph?
Not for me to write, let the people write what they thought of me when the time comes.
The Humanitarian
Help as many people as I can. Eventually find a de