I just recently discovered that I'm an ENFP, and I've been researching the personality types ever since. I find it equally fascinating as well as frustrating, due to the fact that all the different websites and forums I visit tell me different things. Needless to say, I'm rather confused.
I'm 22 years old, and I come from Sweden. At the moment, however, I'm studying Japanese in Kyoto, where I shall remain for the next year.
Being an ENFP, I obviously enjoy new experiences, adventures, and socialzing with my friends. Most of my Saturday nights usually end with me stumbling back to my apartment, drunk, tired, and with a content smile on my lips.
However, and this is something I sincerely feel a need to adress - partying is NOT my life. Having read your forums, I get the feeling that you INFJs have a pretty screwed up view of what an ENFP really is. We're not all a bunch of crazy party-monsters who can't sit still for more than 5 minutes.
Alone-time is incredibly important to me, or else I start feeling smothered and socially suffocated. I'm also known to be a pretty damn calm person, even if my personality is confident, positive and optimistic.
My interests include literature, music, movies and drinking white wine on my balcony whilst smoking a hefty amount of cigarettes. My girlfriend is an INFJ, and she's usually the first one to join me whenever I want to drink previously mentioned wine and discuss the purpose of life.
My favorite genre of music is Jazz, but my love for mucis is not limited to this. I listen to everything from Chimaira to Beyoncé.
I admit parties are awesome - especially when my girlfriend comes with us, which she usually does - but there's really nothing I enjoy more than drinking a big cup of coffee whilst having a nice conversation with someone I love.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with friends, writing novels and listening to music. I'm pretty nocturnal in general, and I love taking long walks in the middle of night. Mr. iPod being my only company.
- Biography
- Um. What? Seriously? If you're really interested in my biography, feel free to ask me.
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- My Family
My Laptop
My iPod
My cigarettes
My books
- What would be your epitaph?
- "Here lies Ciiah, forever young, forever loving, forever smiling."
- Enneagram
- Why, hello.
- Occupation
- This is something I've spent years and years tryin