just me Feb 25, 2018 Excellent addition to the thread, and I agree with it all. People act like they live on a phone with no clue what is going on.
Excellent addition to the thread, and I agree with it all. People act like they live on a phone with no clue what is going on.
bionic Aug 26, 2013 http://31.media.tumblr.com/30f360df06c3b247ad4f05f502212b65/tumblr_mrp4n3mcTO1rb3eu2o1_500.gif
bionic Mar 2, 2013 http://25.media.tumblr.com/886a3c7b3d7074b018c6dd2879e036af/tumblr_mi7qlwS78a1rztsifo1_500.jpg