Recent content by crazyabouther

  1. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Just to update you all: Things are going well, we like each other and are seeing how best to 'frame' what we have. I'm very happy, and there is still lot of work to be done. Totally worth it. She is absolutely wonderful :) Thank you all for listening to me, and I appreciate your time spent...
  2. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Dear Paideia and HunterO, As much as your comments were helpful at the beginning, I'm sorry to see that you two have completely engaged with each other and taken over this thread! Thanks everyone for your insights and to you Mithrandir. I wanted to share some updates and to see what else...
  3. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Hi guys, Thanks for the thoughts. Here's some responses to the things you've said and asked. 1. I cannot make a move to have sex with her, because we come from relatively conservative (Asian) backgrounds. Plus, that is not the goal here and knowing her, she is never going to sleep with anyone...
  4. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    littlemissmaya, Yeah I know she feels quite bad about being responsible for ending the previous relationship. Reassured her that she was not to blame, but know she still feels that way. I gave her other reasons for why that broke up, because I didn't want to complicate things for her. Also no...
  5. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Hey thanks littlemissmaya, You are right-- she is completely passive. Right now I am just wondering if I should stop taking all the initiative, or continue to do so. I am not doing very well because of the lack of reciprocity, so it would be quite difficult but possible. Or do you think I...
  6. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Thanks for the inputs guys. I agree with what you are saying. Maybe it's just best to be quiet/ move on. But wanted to share these other details to see if there may be any other thoughts? 1. We spent many entire evenings and days together alone. It's always fun, and goes on till really late at...
  7. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Hi Shasha Thanks-- I like her cuz she is a nice person. She is very beautiful, and we have lots in common. We spent many whole days together (alone) and she tells me how she always has a great time. I have fun too, and it's nice...
  8. crazyabouther

    [INFJ] ENTP guy absolutely crazy about INFJ girl and need your help! Grateful for insights

    Hello everyone, I have created this account and profile just to understand this INFJ lady. I'm and ENTP guy and I have been crazy about her for a few months, and have been doing everything in my power to make things happen. After reading many posts on the internet, I realize how glacial things...