Recent content by Dado

  1. Dado

    hello again guys, I hope that you are all doing well :)

    hello again guys, I hope that you are all doing well :)
  2. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    You explained it well. A lot of people dont see faith from perspective that you presented. They see it from outside without ever trying to live it and see for themselves and so they judge it without knowing what they are missing out...
  3. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Yes, thats why enlightenment is seen as self transcendence, when person sees through illusion of Ego and identity or sense of self. Yes, enlightenment is final death or total Ego death in which person realizes that he is actually deathless. "Die before you die and realize that there is no...
  4. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Again, very good questions! Before Universe was manifested, it was in unmanifested state. That unmanifested state we can call unity, oneness, unconditional love and then when universe became manifested, it shaterred it self in billion pieces as to experience duality, contrast, separation...
  5. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    That is good question! I had same thoughts when I got interested into enlightenment. We live in relative reality where each part and parcel of creation is unique. So every person is special in his/her own way, be it normal or enlightened person. What I wanted to say by "act as one being" is to...
  6. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

  7. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    As I see a lot of people are mechanically relying on outside authority(culture, state, religion etc) as to know what is moraly right or wrong without ever properly questioning the laws. In my opinion, only when person starts to focus on himself, raise his state of awareness, open himself to...
  8. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I also like what Buddha said about human life and how precious it is which gives us aditional reason to cherish our existence: "At Sāvatthī. Then the Buddha, picking up a little bit of sand on his fingernail, addressed the bhikkhus: “What do you think, bhikkhus? Which is more: the little bit of...
  9. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I agree with you. I also have sympathy and understanding for @acd and people who share same beliefs like her because I used to have same beliefs when I was younger, during my marxist/atheistic days. I was extremly pro-choice but my perspective and understanding changed as I was starting to take...
  10. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I met a few people with handicapped children and for me those parents are super humans. You can sense a lot of patience and wisdom in their presence, because they been throughout a lot. People when see handicapped children only see negative sides without knowing that those children can actually...
  11. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    @John K and @Misty i am sorry for your loss guys... You are strong people. A lot of hugs to both of you :hug::hug: <3 <3
  12. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I am sure that every major religion is against abortion because each one of them recognise main universal value which is to avoid doing harm and not to kill living being.
  13. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Totally agree
  14. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I will contact you when to ban me but right now I am in good discussion so I am waiting till I am without anything to say anymore lol Yeah, thats why enlightenment is tricky path, you need to let go of every form of pleasure which keeps you connected to this world
  15. Dado

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I agree with you, we all have our own opinions and believes. I am not forcing anything onto you. Back to discussion... You don't need to look at soul as something mystical. It is just subtle body, or subtle energies(thoughts, emotions) which give physical body ability to function, to be alive...