Recent content by Darc

  1. Darc

    3W4? should I get typed professionally?

    Oi, I went through this recently, I really wanted to decide on an enneagram type for me for some reason. I feel though that the enneagram can be a little horoscope-y. I read and looked quite extensively online for info regarding enneagram types, and I came across "trauma of all types" and I...
  2. Darc

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    I feel like Muse really sees the bigger picture, a lot of other bands hardly seem to get there, and their lyrics are forgettable.
  3. Darc

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    Sounds like dinosaur jr
  4. Darc

    What YouTube Videos Are You Watching Right Now

    Some context famous viral video