Recent content by Darkly Detached

  1. Darkly Detached

    what would you do if you lost everything overnight?

    Family. I live in the moment most of the times, and the future isn't a concern because ... the decisions I made are all based on a decent amount of forward thinking already. Most of my personal possessions are replaceable and I have comprehensive home owners' insurance which includes electronics...
  2. Darkly Detached

    Dead Internet theory

    Nope. Not just you. A lot of Xennials like myself that grew up with the internet at the same time as we did have a similar experience as well. There's an insane amount of actual content out there, but it's either paywalled, limited access, closed behind intranets or secluded directly within...
  3. Darkly Detached

    What's your thinking style?

    I also want to add that without adding cultural context to "rationality" we cannot quite claim to be rational because a lot of what we understand of philosophy in modern times is essentially what we've gotten as a result of european supremacy over education, economic and other systems. It's kind...
  4. Darkly Detached

    What's your thinking style?

    The biggest issue I had was with questions related to time-keeping, or time-blindness. A question said that "oh you have 12 hours to complete a task and this means you absolutely failed at it". Yah, that's bullshit. If a task takes 12 hours as per "common understanding" of 12 hours, my ability...
  5. Darkly Detached

    Setting boundaries with alcoholic family

    I'm from a culture where drinking is taboo so I really can't help you all that much. My culture has socialized, found activities to do together that don't involve drinking for thousands of years, so my perspective on drinking is based on my limited personal experiences with my Mother in Law (she...
  6. Darkly Detached

    Setting boundaries with alcoholic family

    It's reddit. And that too a local area reddit. Those are ... well .. they're basically the FB of Reddit and you're really not going to get much helpful info. I tried to be on my local area reddit as well, and literally unfollowed it after a week of seeing their "conversations" ...
  7. Darkly Detached

    Setting boundaries with alcoholic family

    Without asserting direct and explicit boundaries, an alcoholic parent will continue to gaslight and manipulate you because when they say "spend time with me", they actually DO mean it and *believe* it, but don't want you to realize or recognize that outside of getting drunk there are ways to...
  8. Darkly Detached

    What is Elon Musks temperament?

    We need to add ASSHOLE to MBTI so we can type people like him.
  9. Darkly Detached


    One of the most interesting, but mostly hidden facts about "ettiquette" is its very deep connection to Victorian era england and their upper class colonization of their own poor people, as well as colonization of the rest of the world where they met people and cultures with their own way of...
  10. Darkly Detached

    Student loans: House votes to claw back pandemic forbearance and debt relief

    The propaganda for a rent only future has literally hit the TVs here. There's several articles and fake news stories about this targeting Gen Z heavily. Some of us older folk who've experienced other forms of similar propaganda through our lives are picking up on it. I just hope Gen Z remains...
  11. Darkly Detached

    Student loans: House votes to claw back pandemic forbearance and debt relief

    Communism of the 40s-70s doesn't work anywhere in a vacuum unless there's similar support structures, or at least communism supportive populations globally since we live in a global village. No country can have communism in isolation because of competing interests on all sides so what we can...
  12. Darkly Detached

    Student loans: House votes to claw back pandemic forbearance and debt relief

    Decentralization of control means there is nothing to revolt against. In the past, there was a king, or a group of nobles and you knew who controlled wealth. Right now wealth is dispersed amongst mega corporations and shareholders. Many of the shareholders are the middle class and when the...