Recent content by David Nelson

  1. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    Can you please delete my account. As this site is run by bullies, I’d rather not be a part of it.
  2. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    You and aeon are bullies. I think you have a personality disorder. Go on, tell me what’s wrong with me?
  3. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    Go fuck youself!
  4. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    Shit, now I’m confused! Lack of Te makes INFJs struggle to know how others think. I’m like what? Don’t shame or mock an INFJ. It’s cruel and unnecessary, and doesn’t put you in a good light.
  5. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    Funny how you added the bracketed comment after.
  6. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    You’re not an INFJ lol
  7. David Nelson

    INFJ and holidays

    I don’t know if it’s just me, but do other INFJs find the idea/concept of a holiday a bit difficult? I’ve never been into travelling much as I go travelling in my head a lot. Also, the idea that a holiday is fun suggests non holiday is not fun. Also, what one does on a holiday is a bit puzzling...
  8. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    It’s very rare that a new technology comes along which completely eclipses what which went before. By that I mean the old technology has no inherent? advantages missing in the new technology. Books don’t need charging up for example. Books feel nice etc. Usually a new technology gives some...
  9. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    I will always love physical books and I also read things online. Both have strengths and weaknesses, just like physical media like CDs and blu rays/DVDs.
  10. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    U just love that crypto don’t you lol
  11. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    I think we are also hard-wired to think of the future, which explains hoarding for eg. I think what has minimised the influence of this is our modern economies, which are largely constructed around immediate needs. The natural instincts are still there, greater in some and lesser in others imo...
  12. David Nelson

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    Eric Clapton - behind the mask I absolutely love the chorus in this. It’s so wonderful. Full of love and hope but also makes me think of times I never really experienced but could have. I guess we can all relate to feelings like that, unless we have no imagination. Deep down INFJs are simple...
  13. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    Well INFJs are the type mostly likely to want and achieve radical change, and ISTJs are probably the least likely to do the same. That’s Ni versus Si primarily. So I’m not far off the mark. I have an ISTJ brother who is anti religion and all for LGBT rights but likes the British Royal family. So...
  14. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    Many benefit from flawed organisations and definitely don’t give a fuck about the greater good. I definitely think possibly the biggest problem in todays world is the refusal to make value judgements about much of what people do outside of criminal acts. Jesus was all about exposing wrongdoing...
  15. David Nelson

    [INFJ] Did anyone ever stumble across a complete plan to save the world?

    I didn’t realise talking about MBTI on an INFJ forum would be so controversial. Ok, all types are the same. They think the same and have the same potential. Does that make you feel better? Lol. Denying the value in cognitive skills is a denial of virtue/potential. This demonstrates a lack of...