Recent content by DevilDoll

  1. DevilDoll

    Yeah he moved in with her about an hour away. I'd spend more time with him, but he spends it all...

    Yeah he moved in with her about an hour away. I'd spend more time with him, but he spends it all with her. I can't see him without her... ever. And, turns out she's a legal secretary that works for Jada's associate. So, she's got the preconceived notion about how the two of us got together and...
  2. DevilDoll

    That's great! I am very happy for you! Oh, she's a royal pain in my ass. She only seems to be...

    That's great! I am very happy for you! Oh, she's a royal pain in my ass. She only seems to be interested in her perfect little family that doesn't seem to include me. My sister and I (and our significant others) went to Thanksgiving dinner and couldn't even sit at the table. Her family sat at...
  3. DevilDoll

    Sounds like you are doing really well. That's exciting! Eh, moved again in January. Still in...

    Sounds like you are doing really well. That's exciting! Eh, moved again in January. Still in the same city, just a better part of town, new roommate, and better apartment. Other than that not much has been going on. Not getting on well with my dad's horse of a Girlfriend, but that's not super...
  4. DevilDoll

    Well that sounds awesome! Hopefully a small-ish one. :P I am hoping for less than 75 people...

    Well that sounds awesome! Hopefully a small-ish one. :P I am hoping for less than 75 people, but my dad keeps inviting people that I hadn't planned on. Hopefully outdoors with a friend officiating and a male "maid of honor". It's gonna be a blast... I think. I've never had a wedding before, so...
  5. DevilDoll

    Thanks! We are shooting for October of next year, but I have to find a venue before I can set a...

    Thanks! We are shooting for October of next year, but I have to find a venue before I can set a specific date. :) So, how are things going with you? Last I heard you had just gotten a new job. How's that going?
  6. DevilDoll

    Hello :m166x:

    Hello :m166x:
  7. DevilDoll

    Great! Dave and I are engaged. :) So, I am planning our wedding.

    Great! Dave and I are engaged. :) So, I am planning our wedding.
  8. DevilDoll

    Long time no talk! How're you?

    Long time no talk! How're you?
  9. DevilDoll


  10. DevilDoll


  11. DevilDoll

    Maybe. I don't know yet.

    Maybe. I don't know yet.
  12. DevilDoll

    I will see if I can't catch you online sometime in the near future. Unfortunately, I don't have...

    I will see if I can't catch you online sometime in the near future. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera anymore. My boyfriend stepped on my netbook and his laptop doesn't have one built in. so, I am out of luck on that front. :/ Hopefully that will be remedied when I get a new computer with...
  13. DevilDoll

    Good to hear!

    Good to hear!
  14. DevilDoll

    Pretty good. you?

    Pretty good. you?
  15. DevilDoll

