Recent content by dissonance

  1. dissonance

    Function definitions by me!

    Cognition divides into conscious - judging /unconscious - perceiving Perceiving divides into sensing (instinct + sensory input + sensory representations) and intuition (ideas + analogies + metaphor + themes, etc.) Judging divides into thinking (true/makes sense/works) or feeling...
  2. dissonance

    To Be or Not to Be... a Procrastinator

    Procrastination is putting off the implementation of a defined goal. So, yes, I believe one can be actively procrastinating. What I mean is, I don't think there are people out there that are "just lazy" or "just procrastinators". I think the behavior almost always reduces to some mechanism...
  3. dissonance


    I "snap" maybe twice a year. It's very rare for me.
  4. dissonance

    Cognitive Processes

    Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) *********** (11.4) unused introverted Sensing (Si) ************ (12.6) unused extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************** (34) good use introverted...
  5. dissonance

    Finding Ourselves

    When people say that, it usually means they've found a lie that they cling to about themselves. Confirmation bias ensues.
  6. dissonance

    As a child, I was...

    I was never really targeted, nor did I pick on anyone. I never gave anyone reason to dislike me.
  7. dissonance

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    The funny thing is that it works even when people know exactly what I'm doing :)
  8. dissonance

    INFJ and number of sex partners.

    4. And it seems low among my friends.
  9. dissonance

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    It's nice to hear someone else recognize that.
  10. dissonance

    What are the causes of sexual attraction?

    Your analogy would have been better if you said "what CAUSES someone to get into UC Berkeley". Anyway, I'm nitpicking. The OP was saying lots of stuff like "good" and "wrong", which I normally just ignore. So I answered the question from the "zoom-out" perspective. It was kinda a joke to...
  11. dissonance

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    Yeah, one condescending look on your face can ruin the whole thing. You need to take a tone that makes it seem the other person is the authority on the subject and you're merely asking them to grace you with knowledge. Believe me, it works wonders. (And yes, I'm quite manipulative.)
  12. dissonance

    Anyone play instruments?

    Don't go overboard, though. My mom really fucked me up forcing instruments on me. Then again, my mom was a pretty awful parent anyway, so I may have been more open to the exact same actions if my parents were different.
  13. dissonance

    Family Guy

    True. ENFP seems like a duhhhhhh. Soooo N. I'm pretty sure she's ESFJ Yeah. Possibly INTJ, but yeah, definitely NTJ. I think he's definitely an INFP. Have you seen the episode with the tank and the mall? Yes. No idea. Yes.
  14. dissonance

    Evolution vs. Creationism

    Ti is a fun party trick, though. Someone will take the bait and jump right into an argument, then I can proceed to trounce the shit out of them and look super smart to the girls that are watching. As long as I phrase my arguments all politician like (INFJ powers!), I can both look like a nice...