Recent content by Dohavior

  1. Dohavior

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    At least someone gets my joke! :P Katniss Neverbeef invisible vandyke rawr
  2. Dohavior

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    Oh I'm not acting, I certainly do have a dick. It may not be as big as whatever you are packing, but if you would like to touch it then get in line. I would be more happier than this turtle and his new found friend:
  3. Dohavior


    If lying to the courts is a lesser charge then that is when things start getting creative! I think the most effective means of countering bullshit liars is to maximize the rate of lying until they hit critical mass. Give them as much ammo as possible and scream HIT ME then wait for friendly fire...
  4. Dohavior

    "8 Lessons I've Learned in 12 Years of Marriage"

    Same knowledge yet different context and perspective just extrapolate and exaggerate to find that you have been walking in a circle this whole time. That is the beauty of Intuition seeing just how fucked you really are in every situation. Moral of this story: "Depend on others yet never rely on...
  5. Dohavior

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    Using all those hormones you are bound to hit all sorts of pheromone levels. I would suggest staying out of the woods during mating season. People are the least of your problems, I hear there are bears out there. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
  6. Dohavior

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    Finally someone whom knows what they are talking about! You are trans-MBTI too? Have you tried one of those big five tests? You seem more clumsy than aggressive, I am sure you have not upset anyone. Do you sometimes feel a bit ashamed when you don't have anyone to talk with? You seem a...
  7. Dohavior

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    Are you complaining about those who won't even remotely affect your life? Are you on an online forum right now? I presume for you to make such a claim that not only are you the authority on fucking around with veganism, but that you certainly look like a vegetable at times staring at that...
  8. Dohavior

    Hush's Type

    What actually happens: End Result: Pumpkin Cannon
  9. Dohavior

    Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

    I sure do, brother! Please elaborate more about this feng shui S&M grasshopper business? Yeah I can play a member of the Mafia on INFJ forum and a high warlock priestess on wow. Lets merge fantasy with reality what could go wrong!... People whom can't separate fantasy from reality are...
  10. Dohavior

    Why are we so apathetic?

    I think your intuition is shooting right straight over his head. What kind of INTP theorizes a plan that involves fleeting limitations. Everything out of his mouth is going to be Positive Intervention. Head doesn't know where the body is going. Positive Intervention is a round about way of...
  11. Dohavior

    Discover your Guild

    Lol my Avatar is some sort of Duke Nukem/Neo hybrid. xD The guild that reflects your personality the most is the Alchemists: Alchemists are intellectual visionaries. They are best at creating a theory but not quite able to explain the logic behind the theory in depth. They are well at...
  12. Dohavior

    Why are we so apathetic?

    You people are so greedy. I don't need any of this stuff. What do you need it for? It is just a bunch of emotional baggage. And I hate packing to go places!
  13. Dohavior

    Hush's Type

    If you had been more serious about it you wouldn't have posted at all, but rather hid in a corner whimpering. Your post was with reason and you had your intentions. Allow me to elaborate before you give up too easily like usual extravert: And of course some words of encouragement: And so...
  14. Dohavior

    Hush's Type

    No they actually look that way, it is so weird. Like a kind of Cinderella complex going on. "Come on guys what is my type? Does the glass shoe fit?" What do you think is going to happen when you actually find your type? Or are you simply not wanting your carriage to turn into a pumpkin? I'm...
  15. Dohavior

    Hush's Type

    Oh crap I meant to say ENFJ.