Recent content by dorkymagenta

  1. D

    black people love us - a crazy saitre website

    you think i shouldnt have reposted it? i was wondering if it was bad to repost it for that reason. i see.
  2. D

    black people love us - a crazy saitre website

    i posted this on other forums and it got deleted immediately. but i wonder what infjs will say :o it's about how white people act sometimes when they have a black friend. its supposed to be funny. i do not know the ethnicity of the people who made it, though it portrays two white people making...
  3. D

    when someone doesnt understand you

    do you get irritated? like, if its something easy for you but they don't understand? idk, my two INFJ friends always seem to get mad at me when i dont. does this happen to you?
  4. D

    philanthropy and mistrust

    philanthropy is such a basically human gesture but i think it got lost somewhere in stories of people who do it to steal(greed) or social climbers(self aggrandizement), causing compassion fatigue. perhaps within a capitalistic system(im from usa), philanthropy becomes awkward. it is not as...
  5. D

    INFP and human cameleons

    I have always thought of myself as a dull mirror to my surroundings, and a little bit of everyone I have ever known.