Recent content by dudemanbro

  1. dudemanbro

    Any person who doesn't like "Maggot Brain" should be arrested immediately

    I am against tyrannical authoritarian leaders but in this exceptional instance I fully agree :wink: and I love Funkadelic too, hahah. :hearteyes: Also, love John Frusciante's version from The Empyrean!
  2. dudemanbro

    Why are you blind to beauty?

    Art can be as simple as just LIVING ARTFULLY. You don't have to make a painting. Life is truly just a bit long (actually very short) dance, and like any piece of music, it is transient, living, and precious. That's all I got to say about that.
  3. dudemanbro

    I Am An Alcoholic

    One LOVE bro. I don't frequent this forum for a few years now but I check in sometimes. I just have to say good on you for "coming out," with regards to your alcoholism. I think that it's very important for people with a story like yours that they be heard, as that is the story of an addict...
  4. dudemanbro

    Hubble measurements suggest a faster expansion rate in the modern universe than expected.

    For those who love astrophysics... I very very highly recommend the show PBS Space Time. The script is always incredibly thoughtful and the host Mat excellently explains complex ideas in a way that is very digestible to the layman, without dumbing it down very much! Within under ten hours of...
  5. dudemanbro

    I know I don't contribute posts here often these days but I just want to say I love all ya'll...

    I know I don't contribute posts here often these days but I just want to say I love all ya'll crazy people! :-) ❤
  6. dudemanbro

    [INFJ] What are you interested in?

    Welcome to the forum. I am interested in electronic music production, mainly downtempo and ambient sort of stuff coming from a more techno and experimental oriented background. My next audio purchase is likely to be a binaural field recording rig. Other interests involve the technical side of...
  7. dudemanbro

    Opinion of INTJs?

    I have quite a bit of experience with the INTJ type. They are largely positive, as being an INFJ the INTJ has a lot in common with Ni being the leading function. There are some difficulties between the two types due to the opposing creative functions Fe and Te, which correpond to each others...
  8. dudemanbro

    La vida es hermosa

    La vida es hermosa
  9. dudemanbro

    INFJ Utopia

    I would rather imagine a utopia that involves healthy competition and some struggles to overcome. Where people have the chance to strive against odds and unfairness to do the very best they can, to see the outcome of their labour in real time, and eventually the positive effect of their...
  10. dudemanbro

    Understanding the INFJ Doorslam

    It is not so much an ability as a crutch in my opinion. Sometimes you have to shut toxic people out of your life, absolutely. But doing this constantly to me indicates a lack of maturity, inability to handle how others affect you, and/or poor choice of people in your life. Thank G for it...
  11. dudemanbro

    The Difficulty of Being a Straight Male INFJ... and having to hide it from society

    I've found that simply approaching a hundred girls randomly (the more you get rejected the better it gets) has increased my confidence and made me feel more alive. I also feel a lot more sexy now like an actual human instead of some outer-space amorphous alien-blob all the time like I used to...
  12. dudemanbro

    Music is life.

    Music is life.
  13. dudemanbro

    Are people shy? What's your philosophy on people who are socially anxious or shy

    Haha, oh wow. I actually posted that? Whatever the heck I was thinking then, guess I have to answer for it now. :lol: I think you hit the nail on the head regarding shyness, and many of the other responses in this thread are pretty on point. It's all about awareness. Say, you see a small...