Recent content by Dutch Cake

  1. Dutch Cake

    [INFJ] INFJs Confuse Me: And they seem to be Everywhere!

    I know about myself, I am a sponge for unformatuon. I can remember random things happening in a person's life and will want to talk about it out of curiosity. Sometimes I realize it may seem a bit stalker-ish. It only occured to me while reading this that maybe most people don't talk about...
  2. Dutch Cake

    Stranger danger?

    I would rather have a conversation about something interesting and enjoy myself before considering giving a guy my number. I have honestly hoped they wouldn't text or call. Someone randomly demanding my number is not going to be successful. It seems rude really.
  3. Dutch Cake

    What were you like as a child/adolescent?

    I was a busy child and I was not really shy. I asked a lot of questions because I had to know. I was very stubborn. I was also quiet by myself and I played alone a lot. I climbed trees and had a wonderful imagination. I learned to read and write early and would write down my day dreams. When I...
  4. Dutch Cake

    INFJs can't take compliments - true?

    I have learned to accept compliments, but I still feel akward getting them and just mumble "thank you" until they stop.
  5. Dutch Cake

    Post your dreams!

    I have been looking for stuff in my dreams lately. Something must be bugging me. It must be finances because I keep checking my filing cabinet. I also must need to be snuggled because I put off my searching to get snuggles. My dreams started to get a bit more vague since I have been using...
  6. Dutch Cake

    This is why you're fat.

    I don't know where the site is, but looking at what has been posted was not appetizing. I do appreciate the sweet things in life, but there must be a balance. dessert is not dinner and all of those dishes look like they would count for almost if not all of your caloric intake for the day...
  7. Dutch Cake

    Get Sorted Into Your Hogwarts House

    Your Result Welcome to Gryffindor!
  8. Dutch Cake

    What Changeling Are You?

    The Courtless
  9. Dutch Cake

    What's your type of humor?

    the Wit (67% dark, 19% spontaneous, 32% vulgar) your humor style: CLEAN | COMPLEX | DARK You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all...
  10. Dutch Cake

    How American Homeless Stay Wired

    I have helped out with several organizations and you would be surprised to find how many use the internet everyday. I have known people who even make money for their basic needs using the internet.
  11. Dutch Cake

    Relationship Dilemma

    I would go talk to someone about this. If his mood is affecting you so much it isn't fair to you to not have a good outlet. I hope this gets resolved. Maybe suggest couples counseling.
  12. Dutch Cake

    If you laugh you're evil...

    I love this picture.
  13. Dutch Cake

    If you laugh you're evil...

    I would do this and no I would not confess. First of all a bite from anybody is more likely to get infected then a dog bite, secondly it can be illegal to falsely say you are infected with HIV when you are not. I think if this happened the parent deserves to worry, and also needs to learn to...
  14. Dutch Cake

    Songs You Just Cant Shake

    "Don't stop believin' hold onto that feelin'..." "Blinded by the light..." Two songs that get stuck in my head. I have some strong feelings about both of them that I can't name.
  15. Dutch Cake

    Post Dating Friendship

    I am friend with all of my exes except my ex-husband. I am able to get over someone pretty quickly. I realize we are not together and trying to get back together is a mistake. I remember good times and I let it go. I analyze why and if I was being unreasonable and any flaws that caused the...