Recent content by DysfunctionalMuse

  1. DysfunctionalMuse

    Why are people drawn to you?

    People Are Drawn To Your Passion You are intense about every thing you do, and this intensity inspires people around you. It's clear that you care deeply about the others. You make everyone feel like they're your best friend. You are always doing great and interesting...
  2. DysfunctionalMuse

    The INFJ Divide "/"

    Going by my MBTI results, my F is always the weakest. So I'm an INFJ/INTJ. Probably because my Ti is a little more developed than other INFJs'.
  3. DysfunctionalMuse

    One major misunderstanding people have about you irl?

    I guess it generally irks me how people think they can dissect my personality in five seconds after seeing my facial expressions or hearing my dialogue.
  4. DysfunctionalMuse

    One major misunderstanding people have about you irl?

    That I'm some kind of misanthrope. This too. Even some people who don't smile at least move their mouth around as though they're just thinking about something or are bored, etc., but I don't even do that. My face is like cement, lol.
  5. DysfunctionalMuse

    I'm doing quite well, thank you :)

    I'm doing quite well, thank you :)
  6. DysfunctionalMuse

    Where do you think best?

    You Think Best at a Coffee Shop In order to be able to think, you sometimes have to pull yourself out of a rut. All it takes is a change of scenery. You are inspired by any one of your senses. The smell of coffee, the taste of a latte, the feel of a comfy sofa, the...
  7. DysfunctionalMuse

    What's your playground personality?

    You Were a Loner You may have had a few friends on the playground, but you never felt like you really fit in. And while this was not the greatest when you were little, it's served you well as an adult. You have learned to be independent - both in your thoughts and your...
  8. DysfunctionalMuse

    Thanks guys :D. This is the first time I've logged on in a while, so I only got the message now...

    Thanks guys :D. This is the first time I've logged on in a while, so I only got the message now, haha. But thanks.
  9. DysfunctionalMuse

    What types are your siblings?

    My sister is an ESFJ. We'd always gotten along well and I love her, but we've never really connected at any sort of level. I grew up in an S family, and I guess I was conditioned to act upon more S sensibilities than N, but as I grew older, I grew less intimate with my family, which could be why...
  10. DysfunctionalMuse

    compare and contrast Ni and Ne

    I read a link a while ago that described Ni and Ne best for me. You can imagine Ne as being an airplane taking off - it can go through many different routes, just as Ne tries to conceive many different possibilities. Ni is like an airplane looking for a place to touch down, so it's focused on...
  11. DysfunctionalMuse

  12. DysfunctionalMuse

    Rant: Politics and Idealism

    Actually, I posted a thread a while back about how I hated being a "self-aware" idealist, which means I still am fully aware of my visions but also aware of how I can make them a reality. But you know what? You're right. The thing is, it's easy to get discouraged when it seems like no progress...
  13. DysfunctionalMuse

    Bad at the most practical things?

    I've mentioned this before, but I've done many headslap-worthy things to my body, like tripping on my own feet, tripping on the floor (I'll explain how this happened to me if somebody cares enough), hitting my head on a low tree branch, etc. I'm also terrible at sports, which I guess is a...
  14. DysfunctionalMuse

    How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

    lolol. Sorry. But yeah, they should make the alternate names count for the original names. Like, if somebody enters "Great Britain," it should count as "United Kingdom," like in Sporcle, which by the way is a better site. It's been the cause of my procrastination for the past two weeks...
  15. DysfunctionalMuse

    How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

    By "countries" it means sovereign nations. :P