Recent content by dZpADTLrPmX4c

  1. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    a fresh garden mint leaf in my coffee changes things so nicely.

    a fresh garden mint leaf in my coffee changes things so nicely.
  2. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Defeating short term gratification

    There's a few ways we could approach this, We could deny ourselves short-term gratification, like how SometimesYeah suggests. This may be easier if we've a low hedonic response to things, heightened discipline, or both. We can also assign somebody or something as a taskmaster - that is, that any...
  3. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    How do you tell if a job is a good fit before working there?

    I don't have much experience with this. If management connects well with me during my interview, the job requirements aren't crossing any lines, and my bank account says its green then that's enough for me. At an earlier age I'd have avoided high-risk setup too, given a chance. But now that...
  4. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    What about yourself motocoyoto?

    What about yourself motocoyoto?
  5. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    With coffee in the morning or tea at night. And maybe something blank nearby, like an unused...

    With coffee in the morning or tea at night. And maybe something blank nearby, like an unused notebook. I love seeing my plants in the quiet morning. It seems somehow more real.
  6. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Cheerfulness as a coping mechanism

    We interrupt this thread for a public service announcement: Sloe Djinn is best Djinn Thank you for your time. We return to your regular content <3
  7. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Effects of insecurity

    For me insecurity is like this, I desire something, yet feel I can't attain it and am unreasonable with myself as to why. This makes me anxious. There's a few ways we can go about it, though to me being reasonable with ourselves is the most essential. Desiring things and feeling fear both have...
  8. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    “I want a God even more than those who believe in it”

    @Sidis Coruscatis I loved your thorough reply. It was more intellectually rigorous than I could've managed, I think. Between you @aeon is about how I felt and why I chose to shitpost instead of take the person's comments to heart. It just made so many baseless assumptions. (Granted that's true...
  9. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Asinine Social Conventions

    Oh okay thank you, that clears it up I think I understand what you meant before now.
  10. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    What's Fair and Unfair?

    I like how you worded this. It seems very level-headed.
  11. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Asinine Social Conventions

    I'm sorry my brain is fumbling over the way this is worded x:
  12. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    What topic are you least qualified to give advice about, and what is your advice on it?

    I'm not qualified to give advice on your future and my advice is you should always beware of blows to the head.
  13. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    “I want a God even more than those who believe in it”

    he needs to get 5G god doesn't use 4G anymore that's why he's not getting a signal
  14. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Asinine Social Conventions

    Hmm. That's true. I suppose to me it seems like a preset request. Like something that everybody has agreed upon as a sign of good will. Verbal insults are somewhat similar to me, in that they don't really mean much except that people as a whole have the understanding that they're meant as ill will.
  15. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    Reasonable people may disagree about ...

    no worries your good I feel like my posts in general lately, have not been 'getting through'. So I may need to reflect on that.