Recent content by ec3khrl

  1. ec3khrl

    The Paint Daub Test

    You Are Mellow You are truly blessed in your life, and you never forget it. You are very thankful. Even when you are feeling bad, you remember that things could be much worse. And there's no use getting yourself worked up about anything. You have trouble getting along with people who are...
  2. ec3khrl

    What artist should paint your portrait?

    Who Should Paint You: Salvador Dali You're a complex, intense creature who displays many layers. There's no way a traditional portrait could ever capture you!
  3. ec3khrl

    Personality Defect Test

    Sociopath You are 57% Rational, 29% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 57% Arrogant. You are the Sociopath! As a result of your cold, calculating rationality, your introversion (and ability to keep quiet), your brutality, and your arrogance, you would make a very cunning serial killer. You are...
  4. ec3khrl

    Your lightsaber form

    You Scored as FormV-ShienA defensive form used against great numbers of oppponents usind sweeping strokes. Form I- Shii-cho...
  5. ec3khrl

    Shape Personality Test

    THE RECTANGLE/BOX COMBINATION Not accurate at all.
  6. ec3khrl

    Wikileaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad - Full video (Warning: Raw feed)

    The sad thing comes to me later on is how the soldiers and civilians define "battle" differently led to such tragedy. For the soldiers the battle is still on since they were still watching the scene. However on the other hand, the civilians who approached to help out their fellow countrymen...
  7. ec3khrl

    Wikileaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad - Full video (Warning: Raw feed) WikiLeaks posts video of 'US military killings' in Iraq WikiLeaks has posted a video on its website which it claims shows the killing of civilians by...
  8. ec3khrl

    What is your medieval vocational personality?

    our distinct personality, The Prime Minister might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You are a strategist who pursues the most efficient and logical path toward the realization of the goal that you perceive or visualize. You will...
  9. ec3khrl

    US girl sues for $1m over arrest for desk scribble

    [B]A 12-year-old US schoolgirl is suing the New York City authorities for $1m (
  10. ec3khrl

    Personal DNA

    You are a Free-Wheeling Leader.
  11. ec3khrl

    Why the ISTJ animosity?

    Are you sure? One of my best friends is your type.
  12. ec3khrl

    Archetype Test.

    Sage Sages find freedom through understanding the big picture (global or cosmic) and a capacity for detachment. At the lowest level, the Sage may have little interest in the ordinary, mundane pleasures of life. At the highest level, however, the Sage combines detachment with love, wisdom, and...
  13. ec3khrl

    The Moral Politics Test

    YOUR SCORE Your scored -1 on Moral Order and -2 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Liberalism Ideology: Capital Democratism Party: Democratic Party Presidents...
  14. ec3khrl

    The Ultimate Answer Test

    The Conqueror You scored 72% Egocentricism, 15% Heirarchy, 43% Spiritualityand 24% Morality! You're The Conqueror! You may not be a bad person, but you're capable of it, and you probably know it. You have no one to answer to, and no one to stop you, except for yourself. You are free...
  15. ec3khrl

    The Character Analysis Test

    Leader You scored Flexible, and organized. Well done! You possess a great strength. Not only can you adapt to your surroundings, you can also impose your will on them, thanks to your thorough...