Recent content by eidelweiss

  1. eidelweiss

    INTP's and INFJ Relations.

    I am also beginning to think I have so many INTP friends and friends who express emotions in a non-neurotypical fashion is because I am, to a certain degree, an empath. Getting into fights with my friends is devastating even if I know I am not at fault. I feel all their anger and attempts to...
  2. eidelweiss


    Do you want children? Maybe later; I'm scared to have them... responsibility and less fun time. How many? No more than two Genders? Preferably male. Would you give up your child if it came out the wrong gender? No, that would be stupid and I am sure I would love it anyway. what do you...
  3. eidelweiss

    Are you thin?

    I'm about 125 pounds, 5'4, and look like I weigh about 110 pounds. I'm curvy, so I guess I look thin. I do an hour of free weights thrice a week on my whole body, and do cardio when I can. I switched to a vegetarian diet, and feel better. I also am intolerant to dairy products and processed...
  4. eidelweiss

    INTP's and INFJ Relations.

    This is how my relationships with my friends who are INTP's seem to be. Talking about common interests, ideas, me listening a lot. I guess I have a high listening tolerance because I grew up with an INTP who also has Asperger's Syndrome. All of the INTP's I know except my boyfriend do not talk...
  5. eidelweiss

    INTP's and INFJ Relations.

    As far as the opposite sex goes, most of my male friends are INTPs. My boyfriend is also an INTP. All of these relationships have been positive for me. What are your relationships with INTP's like? Other types, feel free to participate.
  6. eidelweiss

    The "Loner": Facts and fictions

    It's hard to be an introvert in American society where producing of every kind is valued. How many organizations, how many leadership positions, numbers can be a kind of materialism. It seems like quantity of whatever it is is valued over quality. We value the product, and not the process...
  7. eidelweiss

    INFJ and ISTP

    One of my best friends is an ISTP. He's great, and they are much more easy to get along with than ESTP's. The only thing is, I have to tell him what he is feeling all the time since he doesn't understand himself... and he's a psych major, lol.
  8. eidelweiss

    God is a sexist, homophobic, proslavery, sadistic, murderer

    I know this thread is old, but I was looking at some old threads and wanted to weigh in. I am a Christian. But I am not right-wing authoritarian (fundamentalist) Christian who agrees with the proslavery, anti-feminist, homophobic, etc views that people think God has. The bible was written...
  9. eidelweiss


    Lolz. Thanks for the humor. :)
  10. eidelweiss


    No!!! Why are people so stupid? :m100:
  11. eidelweiss

    INFJs and feelings of being alone, different, disconnected or lost

    How did I get 10 friends? Ummm... 1. Boyfriend/ Best friend ever. INTP with Asperger's Syndrome. We took the time to get to know each other and things took off from there. He was funny and smart so that was enough to make me open up some and what i said didn't go over his head. 2...
  12. eidelweiss

    INFJ Interests

    I think I'm like that too... With my hobbies and my life process. It's not about what i'm trying to do... it's about the process. Hobbies: reading, knitting, exercise, painting, learning, typography. All of these things are difficult to master and I enjoy them.
  13. eidelweiss

    What is needed to sustain a healthy romance?

    Not in my opinion. I have an emotional connection to many of my close friends; but I do have one of a different nature with my boyfriend. Never be in a serious relationship with some one who bores you, ever. Continued interest is about connection which is about not getting bored and getting...
  14. eidelweiss

    Romantic relationships are tough, right?

    It depends on what your assumptions are about relationships and what expectations you set up for yourself about relationships. It also depends on who is involved. I hate to say this, but I, an INFJ, had been programmed to want an ESTJ or an ENTJ by my very conservative parents and by Disney...
  15. eidelweiss

    INFJs and feelings of being alone, different, disconnected or lost

    I felt constantly alone socially in high school because of this. I didn't fit in anywhere except the art room and actually 'in' the classroom because my INFJ intuition + perfectionism made me make really good insights in all of my humanities classes. I was excluded from things that my 'friends'...