Recent content by enigma

  1. enigma

    How do you walk?

    I tend to have an authoritative, don't F with me kind of walk; shoulders square, head up. There is something very military about it. You learn a lot about body language when you go through basic and spend time on the streets.
  2. enigma

    Describe your style

    I like my jeans and hoodies, generally, but if I have to put any effort in, I like a bit of western - I love love love my cowboy boots, and I have several tooled belts. I like slim, simple, classy looks that are casual. knee high boots, long blond hair, beachy mussed wavy. minimal makeup, just...
  3. enigma

    What you liked and disliked about that ENTP you knew very well

    I've been married to my ENTP husband for 15 years. I love his stable nature, that he doesn't get flustered, and that he puts up wth me so well. He is calm and quiet, but loves social stuff - (I hate it.) He is a very hard worker, needs to be busy. I see a lot of people mentioning lying - I don't...
  4. enigma

    Pet Peeves

    ~people who park in the fire lane. This drives me batshit crazy. ~Parents who are bullies ~aaaand the kids who are bullies. ~insinuating something b/c you are too chicken to just come out and say/ask. ~always trying to be the bigger person. sometimes i feel like a doormat. ~priuses.... omg...
  5. enigma

    How do you deal with failure?

    I don't do failure very well. I tend to beat the crap out of myself, figuratively of course, and sulk, and depress, and hate the world.
  6. enigma

    Gun Control and the Second Amendment

    I live in Vermont, right next to New York. The average violent crime rate per capita in the USA is just over 4% according to the research I have found. In Vermont, where we have no guns laws and never have, our crime rate per capita is less than 1%. Here, almost everyone owns a gun, and just as...
  7. enigma

    Temperament and Personality Test

    'Anxious worrying': You scored 18 on this scale. High scores (18 and over) indicate a greater tendency to become stressed, worried and anxious. If unaddressed, excessive anxious worrying can increase the risk of developing non-melancholic depression. 'Perfectionism': You scored...
  8. enigma

    surgery to fix deviated septum --- anyone with stories?

    Constant_Overstimulation Yup! That is exactly what I used but I used Walgreens and got 3oz bottles. i went through 4 of them - you'll want to use them for a few weeks after i even use them a year later from time to time.
  9. enigma

    surgery to fix deviated septum --- anyone with stories?

    Entyqua You know, I was actually scared of this surgery too. I have had a few surgeries (2 c-sections, appendectomy, gall bladder, and surgery on my hand after my horse broke it) but for some reason i was really nervous about this one. I think it was b/c it was my face. I like my nose, I...
  10. enigma

    surgery to fix deviated septum --- anyone with stories?

    Your Welcome! I think it was about a month before I really felt 100% normal. I had a lot of congestion, but I also got a cold during the week i was home... from my kids. Even so, I could breathe. Once the cold was gone and I had some time to heal it was great! Pulling out those splint is going...
  11. enigma

    surgery to fix deviated septum --- anyone with stories?

    @Constant_Overstimulation I just had mine done last february. it really wasn't that bad. I had breathing issues - less than 10% on one side, less than 30% on the other. I had a septoplasty and a turbinoplasty at the same time. it was done on an outpatient basis. so I went home the same day. It...
  12. enigma

    Thank You (rep) !! I have always respected your opinion and way of addressing things (wish I...

    Thank You (rep) !! I have always respected your opinion and way of addressing things (wish I could put that better!)... support & agreement from you means a lot.
  13. enigma

    Thank You. Appreciation is rare and always refreshing!

    Thank You. Appreciation is rare and always refreshing!
  14. enigma

    An afternoon with the NYPD

    I, too, could post a bunch of skewed videos about the amazing job law enforcement does. The sacrifices, the lives saved or bettered... But its meaningless. What has meaning is the job i do everyday, the people I help, and every breath I take that proves you wrong.