Recent content by entjForever

  1. entjForever

    How to NOT scare away ENTP women?

    Actually that is the right path to take.
  2. entjForever

    How to NOT scare away ENTP women?

    For all we know her bf could be Jesus. Or her telly bear. Or she is breaking up with him tomorrow. Do not let this thwart your plan. Just say if you are ready for more machination, and its on. And tell me exactly what you told her.
  3. entjForever

    How to NOT scare away ENTP women?

    Well more props to you for asking her out. Did you tell her you were just friends? That would have deflected any bf talk but here is a little thing about her saying she has a bf from the book: When a woman says the words, "I have a boyfriend," nine times out of ten what she is really...
  4. entjForever

    Getting someone to leave you alone

    My instincts tell me to not to touch this with a ten foot pole. Triumph his druggie card with a mafioso card? But I don't believe in lying. Just tell him that he is not the right match for you, and please don't make it difficult on you by asking more questions but you will rather have some...
  5. entjForever

    What's your cause?

    I am not a NF. But NT has a cause other than accumulating wealth. I want to find out what the world would be without money or religion. :D
  6. entjForever

    Emotions and Validation

    I think A) is the right choice, and you should be more specific. what kind of validation you want from her when you say you want validation.
  7. entjForever

    Emotions and Validation

    Why must you say its an ENTJ. Well really ENTJ don't like to deal with emotions, but they understand situations easy so they don't see much need for emotions. And when people say emotions they mean sadness. Cause I am sure if you were happy, she would be happy right along side you, but if...
  8. entjForever

    A simple test

    Your personality type is ENTJ. Extraverted (E) 100% Introverted (I) 0% Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S) 14% Thinking (T) 65% Feeling (F) 35% Judging (J) 91% Perceiving (P) 9%
  9. entjForever

    Do your friends tend to be your type?

    My friends tend to be N, but if they are S they are normally istj or estj
  10. entjForever

    How to NOT scare away ENTP women?

    Still use the same tact.
  11. entjForever

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    You got to love those ENFJs :D
  12. entjForever

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Actualized type: ENTJ (who you are) Extroverted (E) 83.33% Introverted (I) 16.67% Intuitive (N) 59.52% Sensing (S) 40.48% Thinking (T) 60% Feeling (F) 40% Judging (J) 63.16% Perceiving (P) 36.84% ENTJ - "Field Marshall". The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of...
  13. entjForever

    Attracted to INTJ (I think)

    Lets us know how it goes after following their advice