Recent content by ENTroP

  1. E

    Can a male and a female be best friends?

    Yes, one of my best friends is female, but she's gay. Does that count?
  2. E

    Is there any obligation to protect the consumer in a capitalistic society?

    Obligation to provide information about possible health risks to consumer, and to enforce ethical business practices. I wouldn't say it is the governments job to say what can and can't be done, but to make sure the consumer is informed.
  3. E

    I like being in the gutter, I'm a frequent visitor there as well xD

    I like being in the gutter, I'm a frequent visitor there as well xD
  4. E

    Haha! Naughty, naughty. :P

    Haha! Naughty, naughty. :P
  5. E

    Is homosexuality merely a sexual indulgence?

    It is interesting to note that homosexuality is most likely a recessive trait, and that it is a pretty consistent demographic all across the globe, roughly 5-10% of people. A good example of genes that when not present in the right combination, don't manifest at all, but clearly are carried by many.
  6. E

    Yes, please :D :D

    Yes, please :D :D
  7. E

    Archetype Test.

    Whoever has the ruler on their team wins, so nyah!
  8. E

    [PUG] Israel belongs to the Jews/Palestinians?

    7 day war wasn't conquering enough? If you think Israel is bad, look at its neighbors... Would a Sharia state really be better?
  9. E

    You're 100% correct about the parents lol

    You're 100% correct about the parents lol
  10. E

    Catholic Sexual Abuse Scandals

    Yet more evidence that religion does not necessarily make somebody a better person. Won't catch professor Dawkins molesting his graduate students out back...
  11. E

    Archetype Test.

    Ruler The Ruler in each of us understands that we are responsible for our inner and outer lives; the buck stops here. At worst, the Ruler is a despot. At best, the Ruler's order is inclusive, creating inner wholeness and outer community. D:
  12. E

    :D :D

    :D :D
  13. E

    [PUG] Israel belongs to the Jews/Palestinians?

    The Israel bashing I've noticed on this thread forgets to take into account the fact that the muslims that suicide bomb their way to glory there, are the same brand of terrorist that flew planes into the world trade center. Regardless of biblical nonsense, Israel is an oasis of technology and...
  14. E

    [PUG] Israel belongs to the Jews/Palestinians?

    The situation is thusly: Israel is a secular and democratic state, which has a violent minority of extremist muslims that will resort to suicide bombing to intimidate Israel into giving up more land. No matter how much land has been ceded, they continue to demand more. "The Oslo accords are...
  15. E

    Sounds good :) I've been super busy lately too, hit me up when stuff settles.

    Sounds good :) I've been super busy lately too, hit me up when stuff settles.