Recent content by Entyqua

  1. Entyqua

    I'm going through some tough shit...i came to catch up but I'm afraid I don't belong anymore...i...

    I'm going through some tough shit...i came to catch up but I'm afraid I don't belong anymore...i almost got the courage to reintroduce myself
  2. Entyqua


  3. Entyqua

    Hi...I lost access a while ago and just got it back. I have a lot of good memories and some bad...

    Hi...I lost access a while ago and just got it back. I have a lot of good memories and some bad here. I had another baby...she's 5 now, and my oldest is in college...IDK if you are still around but I figured you deserved a response.
  4. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    There are so many interpretations...What I love most is that they are all uniform...The stories can all line up. Take the story of Inanna/Ishtar. She descended into the underworld to sooth her bereft sister only to be caught in her web and killed. Link this to the story of persephone. The story...
  5. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    Unless you're going for the theory that the anannukki were aliens. Cuz maybe.
  6. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    Serpents yes...robots not so least not anythig I've read
  7. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    Too late!!! Like I said I'm basing my nano novel on this age so...I'm goin down the rabbit hole!
  8. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    In relation to my previous comment about Enki being satan...It fits more so because the adam and eve story also comes from him as well. He birthed three daughters "Lady greenery" who in missing his lady wife, Enki came upon and had his next daughter "Lady Fruitfulness" again enki was lonely and...
  9. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    Forgot to mention, that Enki is often depicted with snakes or as a serpent, is correlated to Ea in egypt also known as satan. Interesting too...
  10. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    OOOOH I have come upon the same information. It is very interesting to read about. I am actually going to be picking up "the 12th planet" But It sounds like I already know most of what is in it. They say the Anunnaki (the gods that were represented in Sumer and other cultures) were aliens from...
  11. Entyqua

    Researching Sumerians...

    Hey everyone. I am researching Sumerians, and their gods. I love researching pantheons and their stories. Anyone have any good myths they love about this era? There is so much to read. I am trying to create a story for National Novel Writing month encompassing these mysterious people. I am...
  12. Entyqua

    What Egyptian goddess are you?

    You are Isis You are a truly loving person. You are affectionate and warm-hearted. You are very intuitive. You can always sense when someone close to you is hurting. You are giving and unselfish. You nurture everyone you're close to. Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly...
  13. Entyqua

    I'm so happy to hear from you.

    I'm so happy to hear from you.
  14. Entyqua

    Calling all INFJ composers and artists. Have you at some point tested INFP?

    I call myself an inf in pj's all the time for this very reason...interesting. My most intensive p moments are when I am in a creative streak...I test a very low j, but an even lower p unless I am in the zone so to speak. This also comes in bursts for me too.
  15. Entyqua

    Seeing Auras

    I love that this thread is still open. I do so miss conversations such as these. Is it possible for ones aura to suddenly vanish?