Recent content by evalura

  1. E

    You don't have to feel that way.

    There's a book by Guy Finlay called 'Freedom From The Ties That Bind' that has worked wonders for me, it's about catching negative thoughts/feelings then releasing them. It really doesn't take that much work to get the hang of it. I say give this Sedona Method a good try, if it works it will...
  2. E

    infjs in sports and competition

    I've enjoyed vollyball, softball and bowling but I hate sports on TV, especially football. NASCAR is pointless.
  3. E

    Friends You Love but You Don't Know Why

    I have two friends who I really care about but they are a complete puzzle to me. I must be drawn to their hearts because I don't understand their personalities. I wouldn't be able to assign them an MBTI in a million years. Do you have friends like this?
  4. E

    Ladies! Don't imitate stupid men!

    I agree with you. Women hid the booze in the laundry hamper, like Sissy Spacek, the mom in the movie 'Blast From The Past'. Women had a more stringent public image they had to meet.
  5. E

    Obesity: A Health crisis or a moral one?

    It's a fact that overweight people who get excercise are healthier than slim people who don't. However, being obese isn't good. I know 3 people who lost a lot of weight after gastric bypass surgury and they were able to eliminate medication due to issues directly related to being obese. I also...
  6. E

    Can anyone else do this?

    It must be the force.
  7. E

    Are some religions just memetic control mechanisms?

    As Christians, they feel it's imperative to inform you of their savior so you can experience the love they have for their Father, and offer you the opportunity for everlasting life. They do it to bring numbers to their congregations and some of them are expected to volunteer for 'missionary'...
  8. E

    Frequent upset

    Any conflict going on around me causes me to wince inside. That's not unusual for sensitive people. For that, I have learned to hit my dull switch as soon as I start to feel it. As far as people verbally abusing you, who are these people? If they are 'friends' distance yourself from them, take a...
  9. E

    What does socializing mean, really?

    I used to love going to clubs but I was looking to meet a guy. The truth is that it was only fun until around 12 AM then I was so sick of the noise I would have to get out of there.
  10. E

    INFJs and feelings of being alone, different, disconnected or lost

    I feel like I'm on one of those motorized walkways in the airport. Here I am, going the same pace as everyone else, walking in the same direction but that 4 ft. wall divides us. I might enjoy talking to some of them but it's kept light and superficial because we're all going to go in different...
  11. E

    only in hindsight do you realize it was the first and last time

    Perhaps they came into your life exactly as it should be. From a universal perspective, perhaps the learning was more important than the knowing. Perhaps you will know when you meet the next one, and this is the purpose.
  12. E

    "Official" MBTI test.

    This test keeps asking the same three questions over and over, it's way too simple. Without testing on your reactions or preferences given certain scenarios, how acurate can this be?
  13. E

    How to Recognize an INFJ

    This cracks me up!!! It's true.
  14. E

    How often have you fallen in love?

    I've been in lots of relationships and was married for years, but I don't think in any of them, was I truly in love.
  15. E

    The Classic Dame Test

    Carole Lumbard