Recent content by feelsbad

  1. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    Hello, she finally wrote me again a few weeks ago on Skype. She asked if I'm there, but I wasn't at the moment, I saw the message 4 days later when I logged in. So I wrote her back, but she didn't reply. So I asked her a few days later again, if she is okay. She didn't reply... I don't know...
  2. F

    Any european male INFJ looking for his ENTP ? ^^ :)

    Where are you from? Europe is a large area.
  3. F

    Question for INTJs

    I rarely give girls (for a romantic relationship) a chance to get into my life. I'm highly selective and 95% will never have a chance I guess. I'm an INTJ, but also a very complicated person. It's hard to deal with me I guess. But when I give a chance, I usually do this because I really feel...
  4. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    Is this your forum so you can decide who is welcome here and who not? You can still just skip this thread. I never asked you to read this? What do you want from me seriously? Do you think some bad traits make a person totally evil? Aren't you able to differentiate? Everyone has good and bad...
  5. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    First of all: I wasn't recently diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. Instead I have a combined personality disorder with antisocial and schizoid traits. Why do you want to censor this? I'm a human being, I have problems and I try to work on them and you can not just lock me away...
  6. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    Sorry, didn't want to sound whiny. You're right. :) Probably she is ambivalent somehow and doesn't want to be left? That's the only way I could explain this behavior. But I might be wrong (maybe I just wish this?), I'm not going to change her, but it's weird she isn't clearly saying what she...
  7. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    Yeah I accepted this. That's why I'm leaving her alone now. Forever. I regret this and I'm already suicidal bc of all the pain I cause, believe me.
  8. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    Sorry for another reply on this thread. Didn't want anymore... but she now sent me a new request on Skype with a different account and in the request she sent me the message "I didn't add you... you promised me something... I just wanted to be good friends... and now you hate me" Is this...
  9. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    edit: Just ignore what I write. You are all right, I have a personality disorder and I need a therapy - if it's possible to treat this. I should stay away from other human beings, because I just cause pain and make others upset. I really tried my best now, but it's not enough. Bye bye.
  10. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    I don't understand why you are all against me, I just tried to understand what you mean instead I am getting harassed for nothing. You said I shouldn't talk to her again and leave her alone. I did. But she came back on her own. So why is it inappropriate to ask you what you would think or do...
  11. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    I just wanted help to make the situation better so she won't feel bad and maybe how to react if she talks to me again. Also I don't really understand what your problem is. I never said she is my girlfriend right now. We had been in a relationship in the beginning for a few weeks, so she was my...
  12. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    We're not in a romantic relationship nor does we want to be. Also what do you mean by "she got her own issues"? Like what?
  13. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    She added me again today. I accepted her request, she was online today (on away), but she didn't send me a message. Still don't know if it's appropriate to say "hi", so I didn't. Hope she will do it from her own soon. :/ Also don't know what to tell her when she does. I just feel paralyzed somehow.
  14. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    Those of who you told me I'm narcissistic: Are you sure about this? Because as mentioned I was diagnosed with schizoid in the past and schizoids also have a lack of empathy and are sometimes seen as arrogant while they don't try to be. For me it seems like I just don't understand the feelings...
  15. F

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    We talked about this. With low success. She doesn't understand me. My therapy will be over in a few months, then I will try to get psychoanalysis as further therapy. Nah, it's okay. You had bad experiences with narcissist, so it's legit to feel this way. I am not sure if I'm really a...